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New Fairy System

What's new?

In Act9, Olympus blessed us with a new way of upgrading our fairy to become even stronger.
We are able to upgrade our fairy to +9 to receive new effects and gamble them to roll them even higher.
Act9 also brings us new fairy called Drone:

skill-icon Fire Element Steam Drone
skill-icon Water Element Steam Drone
skill-icon Light Element Steam Drone
skill-icon Shadow Element Steam Drone

How do I get the new Drone?

The Drone is craftable with skill-icon Mullan Accessory Production Scroll which can be obtained in Giant Arma raid.
They require their respective element fernon fairy, 500x skill-icon Pollutus Core and 500x skill-icon Giant Arma's Power Source.

They can also be obtain in both Act9 raidboxes at an extremely low rate.

Fairy Upgrading

  • You can upgrade and bet any fairy that can be put into a bead, not only drone.
  • Upgrades are kept on crafting. (If you upgrade your Fernon and craft it to Drone, you'll keep the upgrades)

To upgrade your fairy you will need skill-icon Fairy Protection Scroll.
On each upgrade level your fairy gains an unique effect similiar to runes.

Upgradeskill-icon FairystoneTime-Space ShardGoldChancePity
+1151skill-icon Time-Space Shard250k65%4
+2151skill-icon Time-Space Shard250k50%6
+3151skill-icon Time-Space Shard250k40%7
+4151skill-icon Time-Space Shard250k30%10
+5151skill-icon Time-Space Shard250k16%18
+6151skill-icon Time-Space Shard250k8%37
+7151skill-icon Powerful Time-Space Shard250k6,5%46
+8151skill-icon Powerful Time-Space Shard250k5%60
+9151skill-icon Powerful Time-Space Shard250k2,5%120

skill-icon Fairy Restoration Set allow you to undo the last upgrade done on the fairy.
skill-icon Fairy Reset Hammer allow you to reset your fairy so you can start upgrading from nothing.

Upgrade options

  • You cannot get the same option twice

The obtainable effects are split into 3 parts: +1 to +3, +4 to +6 and +7 to +9.
Options can roll from C-option up to S-option, the higher the rarer.

+1 to +3Increases HP by X1100~13002000~30002400~29005000~6000
+1 to +3Increases MP by X1100~13002000~30002400~29005000~6000
+1 to +3Hitrate is increased by X%2~34~56~710~13
+1 to +3Reduces critical damage by X%5~78~1011~1321~25
+1 to +3Reduces chance of suffering critical hits by X%2~34~56~710~13
+1 to +3All defence powers are increased by X20~3040~5055~65100~130
+4 to +6Increases critical damage by X%5~78~1011~1321~25
+4 to +6X% chance not to receive debuffs up to level 42~34~56~710~13
+4 to +6Reduces damage taken in PvP by X%2~34~56~710~13
+4 to +6All defence powers are increased by X%2~34~56~710~13
+4 to +6All elemental resistance is increased by X2~34~56~710~13
+7 to +9Increases the equipped fairy's element by X5~78~1011~1321~25
+7 to +9All attacks are increased by X%2~34~56~710~13
+7 to +9Increases critical hit chance by x%1~22~33~45~7
+7 to +9All attacks are increased by X40~6080~100100~120200~250
+7 to +9Increases Gold earned by X%5~78~1011~1321~25
+7 to +9Increases damage dealt in PvP by X%2~34~56~710~13
+7 to +9Increases HP by X%2~34~56~710~13

Betting your fairy

  • The best set up you can have is 2 S-options, 2 A-options, 2 B-options and rest C-options.
  • Betting a fairy won't change the options, but only their tier and values.

Betting your fairy allow you to reroll both tier and values of your options.
You can bet on any +1 fairy or more.

In order to open betting window, you'll have to double click skill-icon Fairy Converter.
Betting requires:

  • 1x skill-icon Fairy Converter
  • 2x skill-icon Fairystone
  • 10k Gold.

You can select if you want to apply the changes or discard them.
Note that discarding will still get the mats removed.