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Moss Giant Pollutus Raid - Guide

How can I get the seals?

There are two options for obtaining Pollutus raid seals:

  • Daily Achievement: By defeating Moss Giant Pollutus five times you recieve the following rewards:

    • 3x skill-icon Moss Giant Pollutus' Raid Seal and 5x skill-icon Solid Bone.
  • Farming: Obtained by defeating the Part of Pollutus in Polluted Area 2.

Raid Mechanics

This is a eight player raid.
In the first room, there are 4 buttons to operate and 11 monsters to hunt.

On the second map, you’ll encounter Moss Giant Pollutus.
Inside the boss room, Pollutus mobilizes the force of nature to unleash devastating attacks and reveal extreme regenerative abilities.

Pollutus will summon Parts of Pollutus at 20% and 80% hp respectively gradually increasing their numbers.
During this period Pollutus is getting a buff that makes him invincible.

  • card-icon Invincible Body

    No HP/MP consumption

    Up to level 5 there is a 100% chance of never getting a bad effect.

In order to remove this buff, you will need to kill all Parts of Pollutus.
Parts of Pollutus only take 4% of their max hp as damage each hit so pets and partner can greatly increase your damage output.

Recommendations for the Raid

  • It is recommended to go with equipment of hero level c80 r7-r8+8+9+10.
  • Options of shells like:
    • S- Increased Overall Attack: x%
    • S- Increased Damage to High-Level Races: x%
  • Increased Damage to Monster Races: x% wont work on act 9 bosses, since they are withered plants or rusty robots.
  • Use the skill-icon Twilight Gem III as resistances drain is one of the best stats for raiding/PvE.
    Note that all other PvE related major Trophies of each class in tier III are viable for this raid as well.

  • Useful partner for debuff would be:

    • skill-icon Akhenaton the Cursed Pharaoh
      • card-icon Curse of the Pharaoh (S)

        There's a 100% chance the incoming damage from elemental attacks will be increased by 10%.

        Flat all elemental damage are reduced by 10%.

        Every 2 seconds HP is reduced by (Level * 8).

    • skill-icon One-Winged Perti Specialist Partner Card
      • card-icon Blazing Armour (S)

        Dodging of melee attacks is decreased by 200.

        There is a 100% chance that damage received from melee attacks is increased by 20%.

    • skill-icon Palina Puppet Master's Specialist Partner Card
      • card-icon Concussion (S)

        Move in a different direction against the player's will for 2 seconds.

        There is a 25% chance that damage received from melee attacks is increased by 20%.

    • skill-icon Sheriff Chloe's Specialist Partner Card
      • card-icon Targeting (S)

        Dodging of ranged attacks is decreased by 200.

        There is a 100% chance that damage received from ranged attacks is increased by 20%.

    • skill-icon Daniel Ducats
      • card-icon Spooked (S)

        HP is decreased by 15% of damage dealt.

        There is a 25% chance that damage received from ranged attacks is increased by 20%.

    • skill-icon Laurena's Specialist Partner Card
      • card-icon Scent of the Curse (S)

        Decreases soft damage with a probability of 60% by 50%.

        There is a 100% chance that damage received from magic attacks is increased by 20%.

    • skill-icon Harlequin's Specialist Partner Card
      • card-icon Purified Flames (S)

        Fire resistance is decreased by 15.

        There is a 25% chance that damage received from magic attacks is increased by 20%.

  • Useful partner for personal buff would be:

    • skill-icon Test Subject Specialist Partner Card
    • skill-icon Mad March Hare Specialist Partner Card
    • skill-icon Ice Princess Eliza
    • skill-icon Little Princess Venus