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Changelog - 02/01/2023

· One min read

02/01/2023 - 11:30 (10:30 ST)
Server Version: 2.75.0
Client Version: 1.213.0


  • Fixed a bug where talent arena matchmaking was not ending after reaching 00:00
  • Fixed a bug where 6 people could be registered in talent arena but still not matched together
  • Fixed wing buffs removed when entering talent arena
  • Fixed an exception that would sometimes occur when fetching family rankings
  • Fixed a bug where warehouse size would change after installing a house in miniland
  • Fixed "Instant Recharge Specialist Card" not working in rifts with auto loot enabled. They will now drop to the ground like sound flowers.
  • Fixed the max amount of items that could be put in bazaar with a medal. (90 -> 100)
  • Blocked teleportation skills during preparation phase of talent arena
  • Fixed gods altar rewards not sent if you closed the window during a roll
  • Fixed gods altar rewards not sent if you got disconnected during a roll
  • Fixed "Dimi the Seal" pet causing monsters to aggro all monsters on the map