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· One min read

08/12/2021 - 16:30
Server Version: 1.70.0
Client Version: 1.10.0

  • You now need to be level 70 to be able to teleport to Act5 using Wings of Friendship.
  • Reworded shell options that caused confusion. (damage against entities -> damage against races)
  • Adjusted the Pocket Dimension minimum level requirement:
    • [Aster Courtyard]: 75 -> 70
    • [Rashid Courtyard]: 75 -> 70
    • [Eastern Path]: 90 -> 85
    • [Katol's Street]: 90 -> 85


  • Increased the amount of monsters in the Western Path to fit the amount on Eastern Path.
  • Increased Flame Giants' movement speed by 1, decreased debuff chance from 15% to 5%.
  • Increased the gambling success chance, and adjusted the rarity chances. The overall grind of r5/r6/r7 stays the same.


  • Fixed a bug where "Defence Potion" wasn't decreasing the incoming damage.
  • Fixed Lord Berios dropping 2 Small Topaz of Completions instead of 1.

· One min read

07/12/2021 - 17:30
Server Version: 1.69.3
Client Version: 1.8.0

  • Added "Exchange" option to Malcolm Mix for mass-crafting.
  • Readjusted dungeon boxes' drop rates slightly.
  • Removed Basic SP Potion from alchemists.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a critical bug that would make you lose your pets in some scenarios

· 2 min read

05/12/2021 - 17:30
Server Version: 1.67.0
Client Version: 1.7.0

  • Act4 should finally be fixed, sorry for the wait
  • "Ghost Sessions" shouldn't be a thing anymore
  • Speaker's cooldown was not checked when items were linked in the speaker
  • Fixed "Green Legend" reputation icon
  • Fixed Freya (finally) and most PSPs buffs/debuffs that wouldn't have the right rank

Balances & Improvements

  • Battle Monk skill Sacrifice can now be casted on enemy to get the benefits on the character but enemy won't benefit from it.
  • All 5.2 monsters respawn time has been set to 120 seconds
  • Made the following debuffs into level 5:
    • Heavy Bleeding (S)
    • Super Accurate Viking Shot (S)
    • Fascination (S)
    • Malice (S)
    • Marked (S)
    • Dance of the Flames (S)
  • Reduced the debuff rate of Barni skill Super Accurate Viking Shot from 70% to 15%.
  • Increased the skill cooldown of Shinobis' Knife Thrust from 6s to 12s.
  • Soft defenses of lower-equipment (90-) has been readjusted.

RBB Improvements

  • Now a team can also win if the whole enemy team leaves the RBB.
  • Matchmaking should be fixed now. The only matches that should happen rn are 3v3s.
  • Now everyone who stayed until the end of RBB can earn loyalty coins.


  • Attack, Defense, Energy, Experience potions buffs are now stackable and won't be removed on death

Olympus Shop

  • [REMOVE] Aegir's PSP Random Box

  • [REMOVE] Barni's PSP Random Box

  • [REMOVE] Freya's PSP Random Box

  • [NEW] Lotus PSP Random Box

  • [NEW] Orkani PSP Random Box

  • [NEW] Shinobis PSP Random Box

  • [NEW] Oto-Fox costume Random Box

  • [REMOVE] 'Icy Ike' Magical Skis Random Box

  • [NEW] Black Unicorn Random Box

  • [REMOVE] Viking Bushi Random Box

  • [NEW] Ninja Bushi Random Box

  • Ninja's Blessing:

    • [NEW]Damage dealt is increased by 5%.
    • Shadow element resistance is increased by 10.
  • Oto-Fox Costume:

    • Movement speed is increased by 1.
    • Maximum HP is increased by 500.
  • Oto-Fox Costume Hat:

    • There is a 3% chance of causing Blackout.
    • Light resistance is increased by 5.
  • Black Unicorn:

    • Movement Speed: 21.
    • Speed in Act5 maps: +3.
    • Speed Booster Effect: Teleport to random place on map.

· One min read

03/12/2021 - 22:25
Server Version: 1.66.0
Client Version: 1.5.0

  • Fixed Namaju raid achievements
  • Fixed an exception related to the achievements window causing the game to crash


  • Added a new checkbox on the achievement window to hide the completed achievements

General changes

  • Added resistances to Mysterious Relics
  • Reduced the amount of monsters in Ibrahim Raid
  • Changed the way debuffs were handled so they are triggered less often. It should now be closer to official behavior

· One min read

30/11/2021 - 22:30
Server Version: 1.64.0
Client Version: 1.4.0

  • Sunset Teleport Scroll is now useable on mounts


  • Added Namaju raid achievements. It's not retro compatible, meaning it will start from 0 even if you already completed Namaju raids.


  • Fixed reputation icon for Top 43 players
  • Fixed Hero chat for top 3 reputation. Like speakers, it has a 30 seconds cooldown.
  • Fixed some shell effect values
  • Fixed an exception related to the achievement window
  • Fixed Frosty Ice Wings description
  • Fixed a bug that would cause certain players to be disconnected very often
  • Fixed a bug that happened in very rare cases where your character would be rolled back a few seconds/minutes
  • Fixed a bug that would cause raid levers to be stuck when 2 people enabled it at the same time

· One min read

28/11/2021 - 19:30
Server Version: 1.63.0
Client Version: 1.3.4

  • Magical Skis box couldn't be opened
  • Ghost Sessions shouldn't be a thing anymore (dead players in certain maps)
  • Item descriptions of the following items are now correct: [Fairy Wings, Blazing Fire Wings, Frosty Ice Wings, Archdaemon Wings. Archangel Wings]
  • Achievements: 'Not Another Spider Pun II' achievement was not correctly completed


  • Added monitoring to be able to reproduce Act4 & change channel relogging issues

· One min read

27/11/2021 - 18:30
Server Version: 1.62.0
Client Version: 1.3.2

  • It's now impossible to put your partner in a pearl if it's wearing equipment
  • Fixed Aegir PSP exploit with Aegir's HP leech


  • Replaced Ancelloan's Blessing with Tarot Card Game in the Rainbow Random Box.
  • Increased reputation multiplier in the Rainbow Battle from 10 -> 200
  • Decreased reputation multiplier in the Instant Combat Battle from 500 -> 200
  • It's now possible to leave act 5 using the ship if you're in a raid team
  • Halved amount of hits required to kill Namajus
  • Added recipes to Hatem for Blessing and Protection Amulets using Angel's Feathers.
  • Changed "Freya's Announcement (S)" debuff level from 3 to 5.

· One min read

25/11/2021 - 21:30
Server Version: 1.60.0
Client Version: 1.3.0

  • Fix some weird scenarios would lead some people not to be able to join the IC while they clicked on the notification
  • Fixed Wing of Return on Act4
  • LoD & Pocket Dimensions won't make you lose dignity anymore
  • Fairy Experience Potion & Fairy Experience Potion (limited) are now useable on mounts
  • Base Teleporter item is now working on mount

· 3 min read

24/11/2021 - 21:30
Server Version: 1.59.0
Client Version: 1.3.0

  • Bazaar is now accessible from everywhere except: Raids, IC & RBB
  • You can now use most Special items (Main Inventory Tab) on your mount
  • Fairy will gain exp for monsters level 70+ without any restriction, otherwise it's still +- 15 levels difference
  • Group sharing is now as "Everyone" by default
  • Quote of the day will now reset at 00:01 like all other dailies


  • Updated monster AI so luring is more enjoyable. Please let us know your thoughts on this change
  • All Raids 90+ got their reputation reward doubled (2700 -> 5400)
  • Jajamaru SP now requires 20jlvl and is equip-able by Adventurers.
  • Changed "Fruit Juice" gathering rate to from 8% to 100%.
  • Changed "Terramonster"s Blackout from 25% to 5%.
  • Changed description of Potion of Salvation.
  • Added Helen to Desert Eagle City.
  • Added Wings of Friendship to Helen.
  • Enabled mass production for Helen.

Coin Shop

  • Changed "Wings of Friendship x20" price from 100 OC to 25 OC.

Bug Fixes

  • Battle Monk's Sacrifice now has the intended drawback of losing HP.
  • Fixed inventory sort button
  • Fixed a bug where you wouldn't be able to equip a costume/hat from the costume inventory if it had never been worn
  • Fixed Pets & Partners not teleporting when using a wing of friendship on someone that is on the same map
  • Fixed teleportation that would happen sometimes on changing map (Raids most of the time)
  • Fixed Kenkos being permanently removed from map with Suction Funnel.
  • Fixed Scout's Recoil, it will now push you back as expected.
  • Fixed Possession debuff being in the same group as Cold debuff.

Items permitted on mount now:

  • Wing of Return
  • Wing of Return (limited)
  • Amulet of Return
  • Amulet of Return (limited)
  • Bell of Sweet Home
  • Bell of Sweet Home (limited)
  • Guardian Angel's Blessing
  • Guardian Angel's Blessing (limited)
  • Ancelloan's Blessing
  • Ancelloan's Blessing (limited)
  • Soulstone Blessing
  • Soulstone Blessing (limited)
  • Fairy Booster
  • Fairy Booster (limited)
  • Fairy Experience Potion
  • Strong Ice Flower Oil
  • Ice Flower Oil
  • Heat Resistance Potion
  • Heat Resistance Potion
  • Heat Resistance Potion
  • Speaker
  • Attack Potion
  • Defense Potion
  • Energy Potion
  • Experience Potion
  • Alchemist Beverage
  • Team Stone
  • Wing of Return (Desert)

· One min read

22/11/2021 - 21:30
Server Version: 1.58.0
Client Version: 1.1.0

  • Fixed "Specialist" raid achievements
  • More family fixes, it should be much better now
  • Fixed wrong family achievements rewards

General changes

  • Added LoD on channel 2 & 3 and update opening frequency
  • links are now blocked in speakers
  • When an amulet is destroyed when gambling, another one will be automatically equipped if present in the inventory (same amulet only)


  • Added Kertos' Shadow Map Boss Achievement
  • Added Valakus' Shadow Map Boss Achievement
  • Added Grail's Shadow Map Boss Achievement