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87 posts tagged with "changes"

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· One min read

06/06/2022 - 18:30 (16:30 ST)
Server Version: 1.307.0
Client Version: 1.104.0

  • Fixed r8 shell research in bazaar
  • Fixed return points in act4 with infinite amulet
  • Fixed a bug where your character would sometimes get stuck after a respawn
  • Fixed Chicken King family mission


  • It's now impossible to remove your specialist card inside of talent arena
  • Reduced the amount of monsters inside 81Lv. TimeSpace

· One min read

22/05/2022 - 22:00 (20:00 ST)
Server Version: 1.226.0
Client Version: 1.97.0

  • Fixed family warehouse
  • Fixed a bug where you could bet items that were not armors or weapons
  • Fixed a bug in arena of talents where your buffs would be removed everytime you enter the fighting area
  • Fixed a bug where you wouldn't be able to use the act 6.2 ship if you had the family bonus supposed to reduce ship cost


  • Divine potions are now usable in angel & demon citadels
  • Added new speedbooster recipes at Hatem


  • Added Event Management Window (first version, will be improved in the future based on feedback)

· One min read

16/05/2022 - 21:15 (19:15 ST)
Server Version: 1.222.0
Client Version: 1.95.0

  • Onyx Shadow were sometimes not correctly removed from minimap
  • Fixed right click on costumes on bazaar
  • Fixed a bug for family level 16/17
  • Fixed Act4 Demon ship timing were not correct


  • Added remaining time to warp cooldown message
  • Added Fairy essences as potential rewards in mysterious box of completion

· 2 min read

09/05/2022 - 21:00 (19:00 ST)
Server Version: 1.215.0
Client Version: 1.92.0


  • Act 4 Ship Duration: 5mn -> 2mn
  • Easter Event has ended, the following items have been deleted
    • Mad March Hare Raid Seal
    • Chicken Queen Seal (Event)
    • Red Easter Egg (Event)
    • Magic Egg (Event)
    • Chocolate Rabbit (Event)
    • Chicken Queen's Feather (Event)
    • Easter Cake Slide (Event)
    • Rotten Egg (Event)
    • Cleansed Egg (Event)
    • Mad March Hare Raid Box
    • Chicken Queen Raid Box



  • Gladiator

    • [Engorgement]:
      • Hit rate is increased by (Player Level x2 -> 1)
      • [Shaky Status]:
        • Dodging of melee attacks is decreased by 200 -> 300
  • Death Reaper:

    • [Infinite Armour]:
      • Cooldown: 60s -> 90s


  • Assassin:

    • [Tumble]:
      • Cooldown: 7s -> 9s
    • [Shadow]:
      • [Removed] Chance of inflicting critical hits is increased by 10%
      • Cooldown 25s -> 35s


  • Seer:

    • [Blink]:
      • [Armour of Darkness]:
        • Non-elemental damage is decreased by 15% -> 25%
  • Dark Gunner:

    • [Dark Force]:
      • Probability to receive Critical Hits is decreased by 5% -> 10%
    • [Ghost Guard]:
      • Chance of inflicting critical hits is increased by 15% -> 20%

· 2 min read

01/05/2022 - 19:30 (17:30 ST) Server Version: 1.204.0 Client Version: 1.86.0

  • Fixed a bug with chicken sp scroll where it would consume "small ruby of completion" when upgrading over +15
  • Fixed a bug with chicken sp scroll window closing everytime after an upgrade attempt
  • Fixed a bug where you would be able to upgrade your chicken sp without scrolls in a certain scenario
  • Fixed a bug where sp upgrade window would close when upgrading from +15 to +16 with the Divine SP Scroll
  • Fixed damage of the Chicken Queen summons
  • Fixed chicken sp scroll closing itself when upgrading from +15 to +16
  • Fixed wings & amulets of return not working properly

Quality of Life

  • Debuffs will now be removed after a raid is completed
  • Skill cooldowns will now be reset after a raid is completed


  • Added loyalty coins to Chicken Queen & Mad March Hare raids
  • Renamed "Spooky Imp" to "Pix"
  • All languages except english have been removed ($language command won't work anymore)
  • Warp & Amulet/Wing of return are now under cooldown restriction on a list of specific maps: (we will continue to monitor the situation and will change some more things if needed to discourage multi map farming)
    • Heaven's Gate 4
    • Heaven's Ruins 1
    • Heaven's Ruins 2
    • Hell's Gate 4
    • Hell's Ruins 1
    • Hell's Ruins 2
    • Ancelloan's Will 2
    • Ancelloan's Will 5
    • Katol's Street
    • Eastern Path
    • Western Path

· One min read

30/04/2022 - 00:00 (22:00 ST)
Server Version: 1.202.0
Client Version: 1.84.0

  • Made Fernon portal permanently visible to avoid confusion.
  • Fernon Raid Seal can now be used even when Fernon raid is closed so teams can prepare in advance.
  • Changed required level for Event Achievements from 80 to 95 due to mass abuse.
  • Readjusted Laurena's Accessories to have damage modifiers instead of PvP bonuses.
  • Changed Yuna the Magic Student's buff Heart Pound to heal in flat amounts instead of percentage:
    • Every 4 seconds: 2/3/4/5/6/7/10% -> (3/5/8/10/12/15/25 x Partner Level) HP is recovered.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed pet buffs being removed when removing a PSP.
  • Fixed Mysterious Eggs being able to get buffs that would increase their maximum HP.
  • Fixed gold shells and gold increasing effects not working with autoloot in solo rifts.
  • Fixed pets & partners being able to attack a target while it's jumping (Lord Draco, Chicken King, etc.)
  • Fixed pets & partners being able to attack their own factions' guardians.
  • Fixed summoned monsters like Onyx causing instant death in Ice Breaker.

· 2 min read

24/04/2022 - 20:00 (18:00 ST)
Server Version: 1.196.0
Client Version: 1.81.0

  • Mad March Raid
  • Chicken Queen Raid


  • Added Chicken King as a fun raid


  • New Perfection Window (Do mass perfection on one click)
  • New Betting Window (Do automatic betting until you get the rarity you wanted)
  • Added Auto loot in solo Rifts
  • Added milliseconds to raid completion time

Bug fixes

  • Caligor Death issue that would lead you to get a "Your client will be closed" issue
  • NosMate visibility could be bugged on map changes
  • Hero IC could not be finished under certain scenario
  • Hero IC was too laggy on the client side, it has been improved
  • Fixed divine potions being consumed in act 4 even though they shouldn't be useable
  • Fixed Warp couldn't be used instantly on Raid paths
  • Fixed an issue with friend chat where you would see your name before every message
  • Fixed an issue with auto betting & auto perfection
  • Fixed an exploit with mysterious eggs
  • Fixed easter costume icon
  • Percentage damage raids
  • Eva shop
  • Bank not opening