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32 posts tagged with "fixes"

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· 2 min read

24/04/2022 - 20:00 (18:00 ST)
Server Version: 1.196.0
Client Version: 1.81.0

  • Mad March Raid
  • Chicken Queen Raid


  • Added Chicken King as a fun raid


  • New Perfection Window (Do mass perfection on one click)
  • New Betting Window (Do automatic betting until you get the rarity you wanted)
  • Added Auto loot in solo Rifts
  • Added milliseconds to raid completion time

Bug fixes

  • Caligor Death issue that would lead you to get a "Your client will be closed" issue
  • NosMate visibility could be bugged on map changes
  • Hero IC could not be finished under certain scenario
  • Hero IC was too laggy on the client side, it has been improved
  • Fixed divine potions being consumed in act 4 even though they shouldn't be useable
  • Fixed Warp couldn't be used instantly on Raid paths
  • Fixed an issue with friend chat where you would see your name before every message
  • Fixed an issue with auto betting & auto perfection
  • Fixed an exploit with mysterious eggs
  • Fixed easter costume icon
  • Percentage damage raids
  • Eva shop
  • Bank not opening

· One min read

17/04/2022 - 22:00 (20:00 ST)
Server Version: 1.186.0
Client Version: 1.73.0

  • Restricted cross-map warps to avoid abuses (you now have a cooldown)
  • Saved the timer for Pocket Dimensions on disconnect (people started abusing it due to the changes in aggro limit, it was not really abuseable before)

Bug Fixes

  • Added checks on blacklist for notes due to recent abuses
  • Fixed IC monsters being out of map in certain tricky scenario


  • Fixed #act4-dungeons spam
  • Improved the look and functionality of the Wiki (Special thanks to AguitaDeCoCo)