Act7.2 Release - 07/01/2023
Act7.2 is now live on Olympus! The Celestial Tower offers a brand new game activity. To explore the tower for yourself, start the questline by taking the quest The Convention from Litatiz.
What is The Celestial Tower?
The Celestial Tower is a game mode where you're supposed to protect the pillars from hordes of monsters, sort of like tower defense. The enemy will get progressively stronger with each floor, so don't be surprised if you feel like you need help. The tower gives you opportunity to form 5 squads of 5 mates each, to come to your aid to protect the pillars. Certain combinations of mates give unique buffs that will greatly enhance your odds of clearing the floor. You can find the team combinations in-game by pressing P, heading to the Celestial Spire tab, and clicking on the question mark on top right of the window.

Why the Celestial Tower?
As you clear the floors, you will be rewarded with Corrupted Fragments, Reset Tickets, Random Boxes, and most importantly, Infinity Coins. Corrupted Fragments can be sold or used as material for higher rune upgrades. Reset Ticket can be used to reset your tower progress back to Floor 1, for when you're not strong enough to progress further or when you clear the last floor. Infinity Coins can be used to trades all kinds of new prizes, such as two brand new sets of resistances, #'s Costume Wings, and a box containing one of the six new Celestial Spire pets. These pets give strong buffs when they're summoned to Celestial Tower as a squad member and are required for many team combinations.

For more information about the Celestial Tower: Celestial Tower
Hero of the Celestial Tower
Each month, the best 30 players of each class will be rewarded with bonus rewards. The very best of each class will get "Hero of the Celestial Tower" title, but all top 30 will get a special Spire Chest and some random boxes too. Spire Chests contain different amounts of Corrupted Fragments, Legendary Medal of Honour, and Infinity Coins.
Perfect Partners
Another possible loot from the Celestial Tower is the Emerald of Completion inside the Celestial Spire Random Box. These are used to perfect any PSP and make them more helpful companions in your adventures, especially in the Celestial Tower where you need your mates the most. More information can be found on: PSP Perfection
Evil Overlord Paimon
The dark overlord of Hellord is threatening Moritius with his corrupt intents. You need to defeat him at the top of the Celestial Spire to protect the realm. You can find Paimon's Raid Seal in Celestial Spire drops or craft it using an Infinity Coin. The raidbox of Paimon mainly contains materials for higher runes and for brand new specialists. It also has all the rare loots from all three Act7 raids, but with lower chances. For more information about the Paimon Raid: Evil Overlord Paimon

SP9 - Orc Heroes
New specialists can be crafted by Logotor using the materials found in Paimon raidbox, which are also required for upgrading them. These specialists are the Waterfall Berserker, a warrior of the water element who wields a terrifying axe; Sunchaser, a hunter of the light element who is always accompanied by a wolf; and Voodoo Priest, a priest of shadow element who spears pain and terror with his curses. Reminder that while we wanted to keep the changes to the new specialists minimum, we will be investigating them closely for any kind of buffs and nerfs needed to make them good fits to the game.

SP9 Changelog
- Sunchaser:
- Sun Wolf:
- Resistances: 50/60/70/60 -> 90/90/90/90
- In PvP all elemental resistances are increased by 40 -> 60.
- Sun Wolf: