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10 posts tagged with "qol"

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· One min read

16/05/2022 - 21:15 (19:15 ST)
Server Version: 1.222.0
Client Version: 1.95.0

  • Onyx Shadow were sometimes not correctly removed from minimap
  • Fixed right click on costumes on bazaar
  • Fixed a bug for family level 16/17
  • Fixed Act4 Demon ship timing were not correct


  • Added remaining time to warp cooldown message
  • Added Fairy essences as potential rewards in mysterious box of completion

· 2 min read

09/05/2022 - 21:00 (19:00 ST)
Server Version: 1.215.0
Client Version: 1.92.0


  • Act 4 Ship Duration: 5mn -> 2mn
  • Easter Event has ended, the following items have been deleted
    • Mad March Hare Raid Seal
    • Chicken Queen Seal (Event)
    • Red Easter Egg (Event)
    • Magic Egg (Event)
    • Chocolate Rabbit (Event)
    • Chicken Queen's Feather (Event)
    • Easter Cake Slide (Event)
    • Rotten Egg (Event)
    • Cleansed Egg (Event)
    • Mad March Hare Raid Box
    • Chicken Queen Raid Box



  • Gladiator

    • [Engorgement]:
      • Hit rate is increased by (Player Level x2 -> 1)
      • [Shaky Status]:
        • Dodging of melee attacks is decreased by 200 -> 300
  • Death Reaper:

    • [Infinite Armour]:
      • Cooldown: 60s -> 90s


  • Assassin:

    • [Tumble]:
      • Cooldown: 7s -> 9s
    • [Shadow]:
      • [Removed] Chance of inflicting critical hits is increased by 10%
      • Cooldown 25s -> 35s


  • Seer:

    • [Blink]:
      • [Armour of Darkness]:
        • Non-elemental damage is decreased by 15% -> 25%
  • Dark Gunner:

    • [Dark Force]:
      • Probability to receive Critical Hits is decreased by 5% -> 10%
    • [Ghost Guard]:
      • Chance of inflicting critical hits is increased by 15% -> 20%

· 2 min read

24/04/2022 - 20:00 (18:00 ST)
Server Version: 1.196.0
Client Version: 1.81.0

  • Mad March Raid
  • Chicken Queen Raid


  • Added Chicken King as a fun raid


  • New Perfection Window (Do mass perfection on one click)
  • New Betting Window (Do automatic betting until you get the rarity you wanted)
  • Added Auto loot in solo Rifts
  • Added milliseconds to raid completion time

Bug fixes

  • Caligor Death issue that would lead you to get a "Your client will be closed" issue
  • NosMate visibility could be bugged on map changes
  • Hero IC could not be finished under certain scenario
  • Hero IC was too laggy on the client side, it has been improved
  • Fixed divine potions being consumed in act 4 even though they shouldn't be useable
  • Fixed Warp couldn't be used instantly on Raid paths
  • Fixed an issue with friend chat where you would see your name before every message
  • Fixed an issue with auto betting & auto perfection
  • Fixed an exploit with mysterious eggs
  • Fixed easter costume icon
  • Percentage damage raids
  • Eva shop
  • Bank not opening

· One min read

17/04/2022 - 22:00 (20:00 ST)
Server Version: 1.186.0
Client Version: 1.73.0

  • Restricted cross-map warps to avoid abuses (you now have a cooldown)
  • Saved the timer for Pocket Dimensions on disconnect (people started abusing it due to the changes in aggro limit, it was not really abuseable before)

Bug Fixes

  • Added checks on blacklist for notes due to recent abuses
  • Fixed IC monsters being out of map in certain tricky scenario


  • Fixed #act4-dungeons spam
  • Improved the look and functionality of the Wiki (Special thanks to AguitaDeCoCo)

· 2 min read
  • Added a Notification System. A notification will appear for ingame events such as Caligor, Fernon, item sale on bazaar, and more.
  • C25 -> C45 Equipment Conversion.
  • Added a "Safe Upgrading" option.
  • Added a new Instant Battle (c25 - c50) - Hard mode.


  • Exp penalty for being in a group is removed.
  • Stack size has been increased from 999 to 9999.
  • Added UI buttons for Warp and Notifications.
  • Partners can now wear hero resistances.
  • Increased chances of getting r7/8 through betting.
  • Disabled aggro limit in pocket dimensions.
  • Increased the sale price of some minor trophies.
  • Added new daily & weekly achievements, also increased the rewards for some of the existing ones.


  • Schedule: Wednesdays, Saturdays, Sundays @ 12:30 & 18:30 ST.
  • Changed the sword mechanic back to pulling to allow for faster raids.
  • Added NPC Buffer in front of Fernon entrance.
  • Fernon rewards have been increased.


  • Schedule: Every day @ 12:00 & 18:00 ST.
  • Now requires contribution points to receive rewards.
  • The winning team will receive a shell fragment as an extra reward.
  • Added Kills / Deaths counter in Caligor.

Other Raids

  • Reduced the HP of Zenas & Erenia and other changes to make them faster. Increased the chances of getting the rare rewards.
  • A4 dungeons have got increased chance to drop divine fairies, and shell fragments were added to the box.

· One min read

13/12/2021 - 17:30
Server Version: 1.76.0
Client Version: 1.11.0

  • Fixed debuff resistance was not correctly used for buffs that are not
  • Fixed debuff resistance was not correctly used for buffs that are added at the end of another buff (on expiration)
  • Fixed Rudi was not working with a title equipped too
  • Fixed Titles could be moved to Partner Equipment
  • Fixed Titus Tripus' recipes in Western Krem.
  • Fixed Masterhood Title Letter.

QoL changes

  • All raid members will now be teleported automatically when entering the boss room

· 2 min read

05/12/2021 - 17:30
Server Version: 1.67.0
Client Version: 1.7.0

  • Act4 should finally be fixed, sorry for the wait
  • "Ghost Sessions" shouldn't be a thing anymore
  • Speaker's cooldown was not checked when items were linked in the speaker
  • Fixed "Green Legend" reputation icon
  • Fixed Freya (finally) and most PSPs buffs/debuffs that wouldn't have the right rank

Balances & Improvements

  • Battle Monk skill Sacrifice can now be casted on enemy to get the benefits on the character but enemy won't benefit from it.
  • All 5.2 monsters respawn time has been set to 120 seconds
  • Made the following debuffs into level 5:
    • Heavy Bleeding (S)
    • Super Accurate Viking Shot (S)
    • Fascination (S)
    • Malice (S)
    • Marked (S)
    • Dance of the Flames (S)
  • Reduced the debuff rate of Barni skill Super Accurate Viking Shot from 70% to 15%.
  • Increased the skill cooldown of Shinobis' Knife Thrust from 6s to 12s.
  • Soft defenses of lower-equipment (90-) has been readjusted.

RBB Improvements

  • Now a team can also win if the whole enemy team leaves the RBB.
  • Matchmaking should be fixed now. The only matches that should happen rn are 3v3s.
  • Now everyone who stayed until the end of RBB can earn loyalty coins.


  • Attack, Defense, Energy, Experience potions buffs are now stackable and won't be removed on death

Olympus Shop

  • [REMOVE] Aegir's PSP Random Box

  • [REMOVE] Barni's PSP Random Box

  • [REMOVE] Freya's PSP Random Box

  • [NEW] Lotus PSP Random Box

  • [NEW] Orkani PSP Random Box

  • [NEW] Shinobis PSP Random Box

  • [NEW] Oto-Fox costume Random Box

  • [REMOVE] 'Icy Ike' Magical Skis Random Box

  • [NEW] Black Unicorn Random Box

  • [REMOVE] Viking Bushi Random Box

  • [NEW] Ninja Bushi Random Box

  • Ninja's Blessing:

    • [NEW]Damage dealt is increased by 5%.
    • Shadow element resistance is increased by 10.
  • Oto-Fox Costume:

    • Movement speed is increased by 1.
    • Maximum HP is increased by 500.
  • Oto-Fox Costume Hat:

    • There is a 3% chance of causing Blackout.
    • Light resistance is increased by 5.
  • Black Unicorn:

    • Movement Speed: 21.
    • Speed in Act5 maps: +3.
    • Speed Booster Effect: Teleport to random place on map.

· 3 min read

24/11/2021 - 21:30
Server Version: 1.59.0
Client Version: 1.3.0

  • Bazaar is now accessible from everywhere except: Raids, IC & RBB
  • You can now use most Special items (Main Inventory Tab) on your mount
  • Fairy will gain exp for monsters level 70+ without any restriction, otherwise it's still +- 15 levels difference
  • Group sharing is now as "Everyone" by default
  • Quote of the day will now reset at 00:01 like all other dailies


  • Updated monster AI so luring is more enjoyable. Please let us know your thoughts on this change
  • All Raids 90+ got their reputation reward doubled (2700 -> 5400)
  • Jajamaru SP now requires 20jlvl and is equip-able by Adventurers.
  • Changed "Fruit Juice" gathering rate to from 8% to 100%.
  • Changed "Terramonster"s Blackout from 25% to 5%.
  • Changed description of Potion of Salvation.
  • Added Helen to Desert Eagle City.
  • Added Wings of Friendship to Helen.
  • Enabled mass production for Helen.

Coin Shop

  • Changed "Wings of Friendship x20" price from 100 OC to 25 OC.

Bug Fixes

  • Battle Monk's Sacrifice now has the intended drawback of losing HP.
  • Fixed inventory sort button
  • Fixed a bug where you wouldn't be able to equip a costume/hat from the costume inventory if it had never been worn
  • Fixed Pets & Partners not teleporting when using a wing of friendship on someone that is on the same map
  • Fixed teleportation that would happen sometimes on changing map (Raids most of the time)
  • Fixed Kenkos being permanently removed from map with Suction Funnel.
  • Fixed Scout's Recoil, it will now push you back as expected.
  • Fixed Possession debuff being in the same group as Cold debuff.

Items permitted on mount now:

  • Wing of Return
  • Wing of Return (limited)
  • Amulet of Return
  • Amulet of Return (limited)
  • Bell of Sweet Home
  • Bell of Sweet Home (limited)
  • Guardian Angel's Blessing
  • Guardian Angel's Blessing (limited)
  • Ancelloan's Blessing
  • Ancelloan's Blessing (limited)
  • Soulstone Blessing
  • Soulstone Blessing (limited)
  • Fairy Booster
  • Fairy Booster (limited)
  • Fairy Experience Potion
  • Strong Ice Flower Oil
  • Ice Flower Oil
  • Heat Resistance Potion
  • Heat Resistance Potion
  • Heat Resistance Potion
  • Speaker
  • Attack Potion
  • Defense Potion
  • Energy Potion
  • Experience Potion
  • Alchemist Beverage
  • Team Stone
  • Wing of Return (Desert)

· 2 min read

07/11/2021 - 18:10
Server Version: 1.47.0
Client Version: 0.65.0

  • Changed reputation rate from 3x to 1x.
  • Changed the upgrade and rarity of equipment from level-up boxes all to r5+7.
  • Removed Broken Sword and Fair'louse from Teoman.
  • Removed Kedenoss accessories and Cellon (Level 8) from 85Lv. level-up box.
  • Added Rudiselrun accessories and Cellon (Level 7) to 75Lv. level-up box.
  • Removed Kedenoss accessories from Soraya Style.
  • Halved enhanced mobs' gold, HP, exp and spawn rate.
  • Changed group id of the buff "Booster On", so that it doesn't overwrite Wolf Spirit.
  • Bow of Peace:
    • [REMOVED] Increased damage with a probability of 10% by 25%.
  • Desert Robber's Bow:
    • [REMOVED] Increased damage with a probability of 10% by 20%.
    • [ADD] All attacks are increased by 40.
  • Removed Robber Gang coin conversion recipes.
  • Added Robber Gang Gold Coin to these maps as a map drop: Neil's Camp, Melki's Camp, Keru's Camp, Garton's Camp.

QoL changes

  • Bugged sessions (disconnect on client crash on channel change) will now be cleaned up after 2 minutes instead of 5 minutes previously.
  • Buffs from NPC buffers are now saved on disconnect.


  • Fixed LoD horn spawning/despawning times.
  • Fixed LoD exp sharing issue where only last hitter would get exp.
  • Fixed ranged partners not being able to do range attacks corrently.
  • Fixed Calotte main quest dialogues.
  • Fixed Jeeps having Llama visuals.
  • Fixed points decreasing after losing flags in RBB.
  • Fixed Guardians being consumed multiple times.
  • Fixed Song of the Sirens PvP buff.
  • Fixed Scout will now correctly move backwards.
  • Fixed Scout's Ambush now work as it should.
  • Fixed double hit on some skills without direct target.
  • Fixed Scout's SpyOut and potential bugs from it (monster dies without you casting the eagle).
  • Fixed Ancient Scripts trophies.
  • Removed unused Pumpkin Stones from mob drops.

Olympus Shop

  • Added costume and costume hat boxes to shop.
  • Added Viking PSP random boxes to shop.