Latest changelogs recap - 10/04/2022
· 2 min read
- Added a Notification System. A notification will appear for ingame events such as Caligor, Fernon, item sale on bazaar, and more.
- C25 -> C45 Equipment Conversion.
- Added a "Safe Upgrading" option.
- Added a new Instant Battle (c25 - c50) - Hard mode.
- Exp penalty for being in a group is removed.
- Stack size has been increased from 999 to 9999.
- Added UI buttons for Warp and Notifications.
- Partners can now wear hero resistances.
- Increased chances of getting r7/8 through betting.
- Disabled aggro limit in pocket dimensions.
- Increased the sale price of some minor trophies.
- Added new daily & weekly achievements, also increased the rewards for some of the existing ones.
- Schedule: Wednesdays, Saturdays, Sundays @ 12:30 & 18:30 ST.
- Changed the sword mechanic back to pulling to allow for faster raids.
- Added NPC Buffer in front of Fernon entrance.
- Fernon rewards have been increased.
- Schedule: Every day @ 12:00 & 18:00 ST.
- Now requires contribution points to receive rewards.
- The winning team will receive a shell fragment as an extra reward.
- Added Kills / Deaths counter in Caligor.
Other Raids
- Reduced the HP of Zenas & Erenia and other changes to make them faster. Increased the chances of getting the rare rewards.
- A4 dungeons have got increased chance to drop divine fairies, and shell fragments were added to the box.