QoL and other improvements have been made to early game elements.
We wanted to address certain issues with quests to make them go even smoother so that you can start enjoying Act7 sooner if you aren't caught up on the endgame yet.
- Placed a free SP1 30Lv. Advancement Box.
- Placed 95 r5+7 equipment set in 95Lv. Advancement Box.
- Increased 55TS exp reward so that finishing Act1 brings you to level 85 instead of 83.
- Increased some exp rewards from Act5.2 questline.
- Replaced the raid completion quests from Act5.2 questline with mini-boss kill quests.
- Removed the raid completion quests from Act6.1 questline.
- Reduced the cooldown of "Capture" skill from 30s to 7s.
- Reduced the cost of NPC buffers for lower levels:
- Adventurer Lesser: 50k -> Free
- Adventurer Common: 125k -> 50k
- Hero Lesser: 100k -> 50k
- Hero Common: 250k -> 100k
There are also a few things that had to get patched for a better compatibility with Act7.
This includes nerfing the res reduction of Pix to balance res drain builds, and doubling Caligor durability so that more people can gather enough participation points.
Also, we wanted to make Jennifer hat be equal to our latest Ceremonial Hat from Act7, and be obtainable from Rainbow Random Boxes to make RBB a bit more rewarding.
- Reduced Mysterious Traveller's respawn timer from 2h to 1h.
- Added Jennifer's Feathered Hat to the Rainbow Random Box as a very rare loot.
- Jennifer's Feathered Hat:
- Defense: 0/0/0 -> 50/50/50
- Dodge: 0 -> 40
Up to level 4 there is a 10% -> 15% chance of never getting a bad effect.
Damage received in PvP is decreased by 10%.
- [Pix' Blessing]:
Reduces the enemy's elemental resistances by 10 -> 7.
The equipped fairy's element increases by 5 -> 7.
- Chronos Hourglass (I/II/III):
There's a 50/75/100% chance to ignore 10/15/60% of the target's defence.
Decreases enemy's defense by 5/10/20%.
- Doubled Caligor's durability with damage reduction readjustments:
There is a 100% chance that damage received from melee attacks is reduced by 50 -> 75%.
There is a 100% chance that damage received from ranged attacks is reduced by 80 -> 90%.
There is a 100% chance that damage received from magic attacks is reduced by 40 -> 70%.
Calculated Attack Level 0
Calculated Defense Level 0
Attack level is decreased by 7.
Reduces remaining MP by 70% -> 50%
[Fatal Bleeding]:
Magic attacks are reduced by 20%.
The Act7.1 is finally here with 17 new maps, 3 new raids, 3 new trophies, tattoos, runes, and much more!
Maximum champion level has been increased from 50 to 60.
Moritius (Act7) can be accessed by starting the questline from Merchant Ben in Alveus Port, if you're already CLv.30+.
Following the questline will unlock you access to Celestial Spire, Act7 raids, three side quests, and seven daily quests.
Since the questline is essential to the Act, we have tried to do some improvements on the it to make it more enjoyable and rewarding.
Additionally, useless side/daily quests of Act7 are removed so you won't have a clutter of trash quests stuck with your character.
Three of the remaining seven dailies are unlocked as you finish the raid quests in the main questline, and the quests are just killing mobs to get raid seals.
Other four dailies are gated behind side quests, which all get unlocked upon completing the Act7.1 questline.
Finishing those side quests will unlock you the four dailies that you can do to get materials and even CExp.
Mob placements and mob counts in almost all maps have been reworked.
Some changes were design-related mob type replacements and removals, and some were for making certain maps feel a bit more rewarding to farm.
Mobs in each map now have a specific drop used in equipment crafts but they drop quite often so you won't feel forced to farm in non-preferred maps for long.
You can use our newest feature to check the mob and map drops in Act7 yourself.
Four rifts have been placed in Act7: Spirit Forest, Beast Lair, Polluted Forest, and Celestial Spire V.
The rifts at Celestial Spire V is special cause once you get in, you can teleport/warp freely to all 5 floors of the Spire within the rift.
Though we haven't touched the mechanics of our new three raids, they have been repurposed in some way, considering their default situation.
In a nutshell: Spirit King Kirollas for tattoos, Beast King Carno for runes, Demon God Belial for equipment.
Of course, they're all meant to be "worth", as long as you have use for the materials that they give, and they can still be subject to rate changes after we gather enough data and feedback.
We know that once people are done with their main grind, focus of the community may shift to the most profitable raid.
But this is simply a way to give them a specific purpose and also to make higher rune and tattoo upgrades possible and relevant.
Runes and Tattooes
You can access the rune guide here: Click
You can access the tattoo guide here: Click
The protection scrolls and removal items can be found in Logotor's Equipment Shop.
Logotor also sells two brand new items: Tattoo Switch Scroll and Loa Switch Crystal.
These can be used to switch your tattoo and/or your loa, without losing your upgrade level.
We wanted to encourage our players trying new builds through different tattooes so that tattooes won't feel too repetitive or bland.
Equipment & Trophies
You can access the equipment guide here: Click
Three new trophies are added to Mysterious Monk.
These trophies are meant to be PvP-oriented, even though our previous ones had functions in PvP too, we wanted a specialized generation of PvP trophies.
They can basically be classified as: offense for Vengeful Tombstone, defense for Athena's Aegis, mixed for Helm of Darkness.
We will be looking forward to see their place in the game and rebalance them if needed.
Valhalla Part1 & Part2 has been implemented.
These quests are mainly an alternative for solo levelling without having to farm in Act5.2 or LoD.
Part1 questline can be started by Barni's Soul in NosVille near God's Altar at 85Lv. It'll bring you to Lv.90 by its end.
After completing Part1, Part2 quests can be obtained from Ragnar at the entrance of Rock Cliff.
Finishing Valhalla Part2 and Act5.2 questlines will bring you near 99Lv.
These quests are mainly an alternative for new players to level up solo without having to farm in Act5.2 or LoD. You'll still need to farm though, to get enough resources to build a character.
Fafnir Raid & achievements have been implemented.
Key to Fafnir's Castle can be bought from the Mysterious Monk in NosVille or can be dropped by the monsters in Midgard just north of Maple Woods.
Raid entrance is on the Castle Aria Int. map, near Midgard.
In the raidbox, you can find divine fairies, fairy essences, Viking costumes, and even an Unidentified Egg that randomly turns into Zenas or Erenia's Egg.
As a percentage raid, the raid is made fast and easy. Consequently, the chance for rare loots mentioned above had to be kept low.
It also contains Fafnir's Fried Dinner which can be used to cleanse Lv.3 and lower debuffs in all sorts of situations.
All things considered, we think it's worthy to do some Fafnir maras for an easy flow of direct gold if not for all the rare loot.
SP Changes
You can access the changelog for SPs here: Click