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Pony's guide to Spirit Forest farming

Important notice

As of the release of act 8, this guide is outdated. For the new and up to date guide for act 8 click the link below.

Pony's Dragon Hunting guide


Once you reach level 99+30 and start the act 7 main quest, you gain access to spirit forest, the best end game farming map. Most players will spend hours farming gold, items, leveling fairies and selling experience there. Some will optimize and push for the highest monster kills per hour. This guide will try to help all players who wish to farm in spirit forest.

At what level/When should I start farming?

Once you finish the act 7 main quest and reach level 99+45.

Where is the Spirit Forest located?

From Olorun Village, go to Woodland Path > Spirit Forest Edge > Spirit Forest.

Which specialist is the best?

  • For archers, the best specialist is Demon Hunter
  • For swordsmen, the best specialist is Berserker
  • For mages, the best specialist is Seer

Which class is the best?

There isn't a definite answer. Each class has its own pros and cons; the best class is going to be the one you prefer playing as. Demon Hunter, Berserker and Seer are all capable of clearing 2800 monsters in an hour.

How do I contact the author of this guide?

If you have any question or suggestion, feel free to send me a message on discord. My username is PonyWarrior#1535.

Beginner guide

This guide is a condensed version of the full guide, made as a quick introduction for beginners. For more details and information read the Gear Guide and Advanced Guide.

Minimum gear

If you do not meet these requirements you should farm in act 5.2 or do other activities to gain gold and buy what you need.

  • Mask : While X Mask
    is not technically required, there is no better and cheaper item that you can use at this stage.
  • Hat : Use Cowboy Hat
    for archers and swordsmen, Monkey Hat
    for mages.
  • Fairy : While expensive at this stage, a Grown Turik
    is worth the cost as it is already at 40% and can level up to 70%. A regular Shadow Fairy, most likely at 0% is a severe loss of damage.
  • Main and secondary weapons : Fernon weapons are cheaper and stronger than Heavenly/Hellord weapons which makes them the best choice. Buy whatever is cheapest, investing in a strong shell is not worth the cost. Upgrade your main weapon to rarity 5+7 at a minimum. Archers will also need to upgrade their dagger.
  • Specialist : Demon Hunter
    and Seer
    can be traded for 50 Mystic Gemstones
    at NPC Lilith in Port Alveus Square, which you can buy in the NosBazaar. Berserker
    is obtained by completing the SP4 quest line. You should upgrade your specialist to +10 or higher.
  • Resistances : Buy Shining Battle Gauntlets
    and Shining Wind Boots
    at Teoman Topp then make a Sum 5 of each at Malcolm Mix.
  • Armor : Keep the level 90 armor you gained while leveling.
  • Accessories : Keep the Rudiselrun accessories you gained while leveling. If you forgot, give them options at Soraya Style.
  • Costume : Make sure you equipped the free permanent bear costume you gained early on while leveling.

Partner and Pet

  • For your partner, use Kliff. Buy a sword and swordsman armor at Teoman Topp then convert it to partner equipment and give it to Kliff.
  • For your pet buy a Viking Bushi
    as it is the cheapest pet with a 5% damage buff. Do not forget to give it special pet food
    as it increases its speed and allows it to pick up items.


At this stage there are 3 titles to choose from, which you have unlocked while leveling. Use the one you prefer.

  • Indefatigable
    +1 movement speed. As you are missing many movement speed equipment, using this title will help a bit to move faster.
  • Idealist
    +5% experience gain. While a small increase, it is permanent and free.
  • Templar, Robin Hood, Arch Mage
    +5% attack.

Important items

  • Infinite versions of Wing of Return
    , Amulet of Return
    and Bell of Sweet Home
    : Very useful since you won't ever need to buy them again, and are used a lot as you will see below. You can trade them for 999 of the regular version at Malcolm Mix. Infinite Wing of Return is not technically needed as you will rarely use it.
  • Nosmate Guardian Angel
    and Partner's Guardian Angel
    : Lets your pets respawn instantly, make sure you always have a few hundreds in your inventory.
  • Fairy Booster
    : Significant damage boost for one hour at a cheap cost.
  • Divine Recovery Potion
    : Instantly refills all your HP and MP. Becomes basically free after some time spent farming. Crafted with Fresh Moss at the Supermarket in Olorun.
  • Achemist's Beverage
    : 10 Minutes Attack Potion, Defence Potion and Energy Potion in one. Becomes basically free after some time spent farming. Crafted with Juice Meat at the Supermarket in Olorun.
  • Tarot Cards : Use Fool
    , Devil
    , Sun
    or Star
    while leveling. Usually more expensive than fairy boosters but last for 3 hours.

Point of return and Personal warp setup

Before you start farming you need to setup your point of return. This is done by using a Wing of Return

and clicking Confirm when asked to save your position. You want to set it in the bottom right corner of the map. Also, since you will often come back to farm in spirit forest you will want to add a personal warp here.


In Spirit Forest there are 5 different enemies :

Moss Gloop (Water) - Very weak enemy but also the most dangerous because of its debuff. When attacking it has a 2% chance to inflict Glue for 15 seconds, which reduces your speed by 50%. Because of the extreme speed reduction, receiving this debuff is really bad. Can drop x1 Spirit Forest Branch


Rock Golem (Water) - They have a 1% chance to stun you for 2 seconds. Can drop x2 Golem Core


Moss Fairy (Water) - Weak enemy. Can drop x2 Spirit Forest Branch


Guardian Spirit (Light) - When being attacked, they have a 50% chance to reduce the damage by 50%. This makes them much tankier than the other enemies and they are the reason a Dark element specialist is needed to farm here. Can drop x1 Golem Core


Spirit King's Messenger (Light) - A stronger and tankier version of Guardian Spirit. There is only one on the map located in the top left. Its respawn time is much longer than the other enemies, meaning it will only be present every other lure.

Pathing and Lures

We are going to do 4 different lures. The map is naturally split into 3 parts by bridges, and at the top right there is a sharp turn which delimits the third and fourth lure. This looks like so :

Once you have cleared lure 4, use your amulet of return to teleport back to lure 1 and repeat.

Note : when luring with your pets it is common for them to get stunned or slowed which will split your lure. Pay attention to where your pets are before you start killing the lure.

Pre-entering Rift buff sequence

Before you enter the rift and start farming, you need to get all your buffs outside the rift as you can't use the bell of sweet home from inside the rift. A rift lasts for 60 minutes so you want all your buffs to end at the same time.

First go next to the rift and use the bell of sweet home. In your miniland use 6 Alchemist's Beverage

, which will stack to 60 minutes, then a Fairy Booster
. Talk to the Phantom Druid NPC > Receive a buff > Hero's Greater Blessing. Finally exit your miniland, talk to the Mysterious Rift NPC > Enter Alone or Enter with Party.

Sound Flower's Blessing

Sound Flower's Blessing is gained after completing a Sound Flower quest, which you get when picking up a Sound Flower, and lasts 10 minutes. It is the strongest damage buff in the game, as it not only guarantees a soft crit with every hit, it also gives +10% soft crit damage. In Spirit Forest, Sound Flowers have a 3% chance to drop, which means usually you will get one within 4 lures, after which you will always have it active. Until you get your first flower you may struggle to clear lures.

Skill rotation for each Specialist

Demon Hunter :

Demon Hunter when Spirit King's Messenger is in lure 4 :

Berserker : Repeat >

Berserker when Spirit King's Messenger is in lure 4 : Click on the enemy > Repeat >

Seer : Repeat > Repeat >

Seer when Spirit King's Messenger is in lure 4 : Repeat > Repeat >

Beginner Demon Hunter showcase

Beginner Berserker showcase

Beginner Seer showcase

Upgrading from Beginner gear

As your level increases and you gain gold from farming, more upgrades open up. Note I will only cover upgrades I believe are worth buying and not every single upgrade possible.

Champion level 45-60 upgrades

Below are upgrades gated by champion level.

  • Level 50

Azrael's Mask

. Very cheap mask and the effect stacks with other equipment.

  • Level 53

Orc Hero Ring

. Options do not matter, simply buy the cheapest.

  • Level 55

Spirit King's Bracelet

. Options do not matter, simply buy the cheapest.

Orc Loa main and secondary weapons. The biggest upgrade you will make. For your first weapons, you can either buy the cheapest and upgrade it then later buy good weapons, or accumulate gold with fernon weapons to buy good orc loa weapons. Be sure to read the gear guide before you decide.

  • Level 58

Beastheart Necklace

. Options do not matter, simply buy the cheapest.

Orc Loa armors. What really matters here is the shell rather than the armor itself. Read the gear guide before you buy.

  • Level 60

Loa Tomes

. Bear +7000 HP, Eagle +120 agility, Snake +120 intelligence, Lion physical strength +120. Very cheap items that give important stats.

Belial weapons and armor. You can craft them using Orc Loa production scrolls and your Orc Loa weapons and armor, or buy them from players. When crafting be sure to select Keep Options and not Keep Upgrades. Read gear guide before buying.

General upgrades

Below are upgrades that were gated by being too expensive for beginners, listed by equipment type.

  • Hat :

Beast's Golden Horn

. Very cheap and has the highest effect activation chance of all hats. While having Magical Reflection
active you are immune to all debuffs.

  • Fairy :


. Starts at 50% and can go up to 80%.

Weapons :

Orc Loa/Belial. Read gear guide before buying. Upgrade to rarity 7+8.

Specialist :

Upgrade your specialist to +13 and buy Archdaemon Wings


Armor :

Orc Loa/Belial. Read gear guide before buying. Damage received is not a big issue so you don't have to upgrade it much. Any rarity+7 is enough.

Gloves and Shoes :

Damned Gloves

and Sacred Boots
. Should be your first upgrade as they give resistance to all elements and are dropped in the forest. Do not buy any from players, simply farm and combine the ones you drop.

Trophy :

Twilight Gem

. Huge damage boost once upgraded. Craft it as soon as possible, then spend money whenever you can to upgrade it.

  • Costume :


, Puppet Master
, Detective/Party
. Buy whichever is cheapest.

Gear guide

This part of the guide will cover all the gear used when farming. This includes weapons, armors, equipment, accessories, fairies, costumes, specialists, partners, pets, tattoos, skill books, titles, consumables and special items. Note that weapon carvings are not covered yet.

Weapon shells

When looking for a weapon there are 3 option types to consider :

  • Damage options : Enhanced Attack, Increase Overall Attack, Increase Damage to Low-Level Races, Increase Shadow Element, Increased Chance of Critical Hits, Increased Critical Damage, Undisturbed When Casting Spells.
  • SL options : Increased Overall SL Stat, Increased SL Attack, Increased SL Element.
  • Special options : Gain more Gold (Main weapon only).

Your main weapon needs to have as many damage options as possible, while your secondary weapon needs to have SLs. Note for archers that your main weapon is your dagger, not your bow in this case. All options are not equally as important however.

  1. For main weapons :
  • Must have - Do not buy a weapon without those options

    • Increase Damage to Low-Level Races, Increase Overall Attack : Not having those options will make you lose a lot of damage. Make sure your weapon has at least 1, with at least 10% combined damage bonus.

    • Undisturbed When Casting Spells (Mage) : Must have option, as without it you will randomly be interrupted while attacking.

  • Important - Try to buy a weapon that has those options

    • Increased Chance of Critical Hits (Archer/Swordsman) : Makes killing enemies in one hit more consistent.

    • Increased SL Attack, Increased SL Element : Having either one on your main weapon will make it easier to find a secondary weapon.

    • Gain More Gold : Makes a lot of extra gold with time, upgrade to must have option if you plan to farm seriously.

  • Optimization - Consider those options when looking for the perfect weapon

    • Enhanced Attack : Increases your attack by a flat amount. While a very good option, weapons with it tend to be very expensive.

    • Increased Critical Damage (Archer/Swordsman): Critical damage is already high enough to one hit kill every enemy except the Spirit King's Messenger and Elite monsters, which means this option is only good for dealing with those. The added randomness of critical hits diminishes its value.

    • Increase Shadow Element : We already have a lot of element increases from equipment and buffs. While a good option, the damage increase it provides is minimal.

  1. For secondary weapons :
  • Must have - Do not buy a weapon without those options

    • Increased Overall SL Stat : Stacks with single SL options, which lets you gain up to 25 free points for your specialist in a stat.

    • Increased SL Attack (Archer/Swordsman), Increased SL Element (Mage) : If your main weapon has either one, then the other becomes a must have option. If your main weapon doesn't have any, get the most important SL option for your class, as support weapons with overall-attack-element SLs are obscenely expensive. Make sure your overall + attack/element SLs equals 20 or higher.

  • Important - Try to buy a weapon that has those options

    • Gain More Gold (Archer) : Makes a lot of extra gold with time, upgrade to must have option if you plan to farm seriously.
  • Optimization - Consider those options when looking for the perfect weapon

    • Increase Damage to Low-Level Races, Increase Overall Attack (Archer) : Helps with finishing off enemies using auto attacks.

Example weapon sets

Here are example sets that can be used for farming. Each weapon costs below 400kk gold.

Main WeaponSecondary

Armor shells

When looking for an armor specifically for farming, there are only 3 options to look for :

  • Must have - Do not buy an armor without those options

    • Chance of all Negative Effects Reduced : Stacks with other equipment to drastically reduce the amount of Glue and stuns you receive. Look for an armor with a 25-30% stat roll.
  • Important - Try to buy an armor that has those options

    • Chance of All Blackouts Reduced : Combines with other anti debuff effects to grant near immunity to stuns with a high roll.
  • Optimization - Consider those options when looking for the perfect armor

    • Chance to not Consume Foods and Potions : Consider this option if you use Fafnir's Fried Dinner frequently.

Example armors

Here are example armors that can be used for farming. Each armor costs below 300kk gold.


Equipment and Accessories

Here we will go over the best masks, hats, gloves, shoes, accessories and trophies.

  1. Masks

Azrael's Mask

. The only mask worth using, as there is nothing else even comparable.

  1. Hats

Beast's Golden Horn

. Very cheap and has the highest effect activation chance of all hats. While having Magical Reflection
active you are immune to all debuffs.

Laurena's Witch Hat

. Recommended hat for Berserker and Seer.

Dragon Wing Decoration

. Recommended hat for Demon Hunter.

Ancient Beast Helmet

. Small upgrade to Dragon Wing Decoration. Recommended hat for Demon Hunter.

  1. Gloves

Damned Gloves

. Gives resistances to all elements and is dropped while farming. Combine the first 3 you drop to sum 2, then do sum 5 attempts each time you drop 6.

Spirit King Gloves

. Upgrade to Damned Gloves. Buy 1 and combine with Damned Gloves you drop.

  1. Shoes

Sacred Boots

. Gives resistances to all elements and is dropped while farming. Combine the first 3 you drop to sum 2, then do sum 5 attempts each time you drop 6.

Spirit King Shoes

. Cheap alternative to Fernon Shoes. Buy 1 and combine with Sacred Boots you drop.

Fernon Shoes

. +2 movement speed. Highest movement speed of all boots, expensive. Buy 1 or do Fernon raids until you drop 1, then combine with Sacred Boots to sum 2.

  1. Accessories

Orc Hero Ring

, Spirit King's Bracelet
, Beastheart Necklace
. +10% damage dealt in total, -5% damage received in total. Options do not matter, buy the cheapest.

  1. Trophies

Twilight Gem

. Huge damage boost once upgraded. Craft it as soon as possible, then spend money whenever you can to upgrade it.


Here we will go over the best fairy to use.

  1. Turik

    Starts at 40% and levels up to 70%. Cheap and only 10% lower than Varik. Recommended for beginners.

  2. Varik

    Starts at 50% and levels up to 80%. A better Turik but much more expensive.

  3. Zenas (Shadow)

    , Erenia (Shadow)
    -3 to enemy shadow resistance, fixed at 80%. Extremely expensive. Not recommended if you're not trying to push your monster kills per hour.

  4. Fernon (Shadow)

    -5 to enemy shadow resistance, fixed at 90%. Obscenely expensive. Consider this as the last possible upgrade.


Here we will go over the best costume hats, costumes, costume wings and costume weapons.

  1. Costume Hats

Death Lancer Skullcap

. When combined with the Death Lancer pet
, the effect stacks to 30% chance and 35% damage. This is very strong, as the proc chance is rolled for each target you hit; meaning every time you attack a pack of mobs the effect will proc multiple times. If you use it it's recommended to also use the pet, however even the hat by itself is very good.

Viking Helmet

. Highest static damage increase of all costume hats. However it is very expensive and difficult to find.

Any costume hat with a +5% damage increase.

  1. Costumes


, Puppet Master
, Detective
. +2 movement speed. Buy whichever is cheapest.

  1. Costume Wings

All costume wings (except rainbow battle wings) give +1 movement speed. It's the only stat that matters, so you should buy the cheapest wings you can find.

  1. Costume Weapons


. Expensive, but much cheaper than Geisha.


. Best costume weapon for PvE, but extremely expensive and can be hard to find.


Here we will go over specialist wings, points and perfection.

  1. Wings

There are only two wings worth considering when farming :

  • Archdaemon Wings

    . Large damage increase, the default wings for all PvE activities.

  • Gilded Wings

    : +15% gold gain, +2 movement speed. Good choice when stacking gold gain effects. The damage loss is significant however, although the additional movement speed slightly makes up for it. Only use these wings if you have a tier 3 Twilight Gem and a Geisha weapon skin.

  1. Points

Upgrading your specialist and having good SL shells is crucial to being able to have high stat points, as they are the biggest source of damage after weapons.

When setting your points the only stats which matter are Attack and Element. You should first set points in your main stat until you reach 100, then set the remaining points in your secondary stat.

  • For Archers and Swordsmen, the main stat is Attack, the secondary stat is Element.

  • For Mages, the main stat is Element, the secondary stat is Attack.

  1. Perfection

When looking for a specialist, only two stats matter :

  • Attack : Each point grants 10 attack. You should look for a specialist based on this stat. Ideally you want a specialist with at least 40 Attack.

  • Element : Each point grants 1 element. Very overrated stat, as even a 50+ stat roll won't affect your damage by a large amount. When comparing specialists consider this stat but don't fixate on it.


Here we will go over the best partners to use, more specifically partner specialists, as the actual partner wearing the specialist does not matter when farming.

  • Amon

    : Provocation
    can pull enemies from 6 cells, with a short cooldown of 25 seconds. Does not require any S rank and usually costs below 300kk. The best partner for party rift.

  • Foxy/Fiona (Mage)(S)

    : Piercing Howl
    increases your attack by 140 and gives 25% skill cooldown reduction. Must have partner for all mages. As long as you pay attention you can maintain this buff permanently, since the buff has the same duration as the skill's cooldown.

  • Venus (SSS)

    : Passively grants +200 attack
    . Requires triple S rank for the full buff however.

  • Yuna (SSS)

    : Passively grants +20% champion experience
    . Loving Heart
    increases all elements by 396 and restores a large amount of health. Requires triple S rank for the full passive buff however. Recommended partner for leveling.


Here we will go over the best pets to use, based on their buff and skill, ranked from best to worst.

  1. Pix

    . Best PvE pet by far. Hard to find and very expensive.

  2. Pirate Bushi (Shadow)

    . Much cheaper alternative to Pix, but locked to a single element.

  3. Death Lancer

    . Great pet when combined with the Death Lancer Skullcap
    . Much weaker when not using the hat.

  4. Otter

    . Its skill Sushi Party
    pulls and stuns enemies in 6 cells, with a 70 seconds cooldown. Great for party rift when used with Amon
    , as it provides a backup pull if you mess up Amon's Provocation
    . Not a replacement to Amon due to the long cooldown however.

  5. Baby Raptor Blue

    . If you are leveling you naturally want this pet. However, even after you are done leveling it is a useful pet to have because of the 10% cooldown reduction it gives. If you already have sufficient damage you could consider using it, as it will shave 1 or 2 seconds off your damage skills. For mages it is even more interesting as you can stack it with the cooldown reduction from Foxy's
    Piercing Howl

  6. Any pet with a +10% damage dealt buff.

  7. Any pet with a +5% damage dealt buff.


Here we will go over the best tattoos to use while farming.

  • First slot

    • Swift as the Wind (Eagle)
      • +1 movement speed (+0)
      • +2 movement speed (+5)
      • +3 movement speed (+9)
      Most important tattoo for farming and is good enough at +5.
  • Second slot

    • Recuperative Healing (Lion)

      • 2% chance to reset the cooldown of the skill used (+0).
      • 8% chance to reset the cooldown of the skill used (+5).
      • 20% chance to reset the cooldown of the skill used (+9).

      Recommended tattoo for Berserker and Seer. Unfortunately only starts to shine at high upgrades.

    • Blessed Pelt (Bear)

      • +5% chance to not receive a debuff up to level 2 (+0)
      • +12% chance to not receive a debuff up to level 3 (+5)
      • +15% chance to not receive a debuff up to level 5 (+9)

      Recommended tattoo for Demon Hunter. Better to keep at +5 as the chance increase at higher ranks is not worth the cost, and already works against Glue (lvl 1) and Short Blackout (lvl 3).

    • Attack Stance (Lion)

      • +2% damage received and +2% attack (+0)
      • +8% damage received and +8% attack (+5)
      • +20% damage received and +20% attack (+9)

      Use this tattoo if you prefer having more damage.

Skill Books

Here we will go over the skill books you should learn.

  1. Forgotten Hero, Lord Cuarry and Akamur Merchant Books

Obtained from monster drops in act 6 and act 6 achievements, or bought from players.

  • Forgotten Hero D (1) +80 physical strength (2) +100 physical strength

  • Forgotten Hero S (1) +80 agility (2) +100 agility

  • Forgotten Hero J (1) +80 intelligence (2) +100 intelligence

  • Forgotten Hero M (1) +4000 HP (2) +6000 HP

  • Attack Strategy of Lord Cuarry's Knights (1) +30 attack (2) +50 attack

  • Journal of the Akamur Merchants (1) +3% gold gained

  1. Orc Loa Books

Dropped by mobs in the Celestial Spire, very cheap.

  • Bear Loa +7000 HP

  • Lion Loa +120 physical strength

  • Eagle Loa +120 agility

  • Snake Loa +120 intelligence


Here we will go over the best titles to use.

  • Indefatigable
    +1 movement speed. Best title for speed farming. Obtained while leveling.

  • Ancelloan's Herald
    +2% lifesteal, +1% manasteal. Best title for chill farming, you will never need to use potions with this title. Obtained by completing 100 Fernon raids.

  • Midas' Touch
    +5% gold gained. Use this title if you are stacking gold gain effects. Bought for 100kk at Eva Energy.

Consumables and Special items

Here we will go over the consumables and special items used when farming.

  1. Consumables

NosMate Guardian Angel

and Partner's Guardian Angel
. Lets your pets respawn instantly, make sure you always have a few hundreds in your inventory.

Fairy Booster

. Significant damage boost for one hour at a cheap cost.

Divine Recovery Potion

. Instantly refills all your HP and MP. Becomes basically free after some time spent farming. Crafted with Fresh Moss at the Supermarket in Olorun.

Alchemist's Beverage

. 10 Minutes Attack Potion, Defence Potion and Energy Potion in one. Becomes basically free after some time spent farming. Crafted with Juice Meat at the Supermarket in Olorun.

Fafnir's Fried Dinner

. Cleanses level 3 and below debuffs. Most expensive potion in the game, should only be used when trying to get a new record.

  1. Tarot Cards


or Devil
. +250 attack, +1 movement speed. Best tarots for damage.


. +10% gold gained, +1 movement speed. Good tarot for gold.

  1. Special items

Infinite versions of Wing of Return

, Amulet of Return
and Bell of Sweet Home
. Very useful since you won't ever need to buy them again. You can trade them for 999 of the regular version at Malcolm Mix. Infinite Wing of Return is not technically needed as you will rarely use it.