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An ominous threat is upon the Multiverse.
Due to unknown reasons, threatening forces have found a way to travel to our realm.
The adventurers are face to face with very familiar but yet very strange enemies.
Multiverse raids are reworked and more challenging versions of older raids.
If you think that the game got too easy, these raids might just change your mind.

How about a Mother Cuby raid where every enemy seems as hardy as a Titan?
Or, a Dark Castra raid where time itself seems like an enemy?
Gather your strongest allies and fight against these otherworldly enemies.

The raids might seem extremely hard at first.
But as you gather resources and special equipment, you will be able to deal with the threats much better.

Multiverse Invasion

The culprit of the problem with the cosmos seem to be the Mysterious Rifts.
The rifts are where the barriers between Verses are the weakest.
So the enemy tries to get in to our world by invading them.

Periodically, a new game event will occur called Multiverse Invasion or Invasion.
During this event, a specific Mysterious Rift will be under siege by a specific Verse.
If you join a rift during the invasion, you will see the effects of the invasion on the mobs and the map.

Mobs will have a Verse-specific buff, and you will get a Verse-specific punishing debuff.
Their respawn rate is also reduced by 10% during invasions.

By killing the mobs in the invaded map, you will be able to drop Verse-specific fragments which can also be used to craft seals at Infusion Circle near Inspector Sarges, the Multiverse Shop.
These mobs may also drop raid seals directly with a low chance, as well as skill-icon Multiverse Health Potion and skill-icon Multiverse Mana Potion which are the only potions that works inside Multiverse raids.

These game events will occur for 65 minutes, starting at:

  • 01:00 ST
  • 05:00 ST
  • 09:00 ST
  • 13:00 ST
  • 17:00 ST
  • 21:00 ST


There are a total of 8 different Verses, excluding our own.
Hell Verse is a hot one, where everything you see is made of fire. Not a drop of normal water can stand the mere heat of the Hell Verse.
Sea Verse seems about the opposite. Fire cannot be sustained in the extreme pressures of the Sea Verse.
Ether and Nether Verse are realms of Light and Shadow respectfully.
In Titan Verse, much like the name implies, every enemy seems to be as durable as a Titan, and huge too.
Berserk Verse is full of homicidal maniacs who will definitely fight to the death, doesn't matter if it's their own.
In Chrono Verse, time seems to be fighting against you alonside the enemy.
Last but definitely not the least, Chaos Verse is full of stochastic challenges where reason don't seem to exist anymore.

Multiverse Raids

Each Verse has a related raid. This means 8 new raids, for now.
In these Multiverse raids, you will not only be faced with Verse-specific challenges.

  • skill-icon Mother Cuby Seal (Hell)
  • skill-icon Mother Cuby Seal (Titan)
  • skill-icon Ginseng Seal (Nether)
  • skill-icon Ginseng Seal (Chrono)
  • skill-icon Dark Castra Seal (Chaos)
  • skill-icon Dark Castra Seal (Sea)
  • skill-icon Black Spider Seal (Ether)
  • skill-icon Black Spider Seal (Berserk)

Your pets and partners cannot follow you when you traverse within the Multiverse.
The potions brought from our realm seems to have no effect here either, so forming a strong and multifunctional team is essential.
Any buffs you try to bring from outside will be reset upon raid start.
You also cannot use mounts .

As the threat against the cosmos unveils, stay tuned for more raids to be added.

Verse Specific Challenges

VerseMonster BuffPlayer Curse
Hell Verse

Hell Verse


(Level 99)

Duration: 3600.0 seconds

In Hell Verse, every monster you can see is made of fire.

Element property becomes Fire.

Reduces the enemy's fire resistance by 75.

Fire resistance is increased by 50.


Hell's Curse


(Level 99)

Duration: 3600.0 seconds

Not a drop of water can stand the mere heat of the Hell Verse.

The water element is nullified.

There's a 20% chance the incoming damage from fire attacks will be increased by 40%.

Sea Verse

Sea Verse


(Level 99)

Duration: 3600.0 seconds

Sea Verse is one vast body of water where the only enemy is the sea itself.

Element property becomes Water.

Reduces the enemy's water resistance by 75.

Water resistance is increased by 50.


Sea's Curse


(Level 99)

Duration: 3600.0 seconds

Fire cannot be sustained in the extreme pressures of the Sea Verse.

The fire element is nullified.

There's a 20% chance the incoming damage from water attacks will be increased by 40%.

Ether Verse

Ether Verse


(Level 99)

Duration: 3600.0 seconds

Residents of Ether Verse are pure trajectories of light.

Element property becomes Light.

Reduces the enemy's light resistance by 75.

Light resistance is increased by 50.


Ether's Curse


(Level 99)

Duration: 3600.0 seconds

No shadow nor darkness can take form in Ether Verse.

The shadow element is nullified.

There's a 20% chance the incoming damage from light attacks will be increased by 40%.

Nether Verse

Nether Verse


(Level 99)

Duration: 3600.0 seconds

The creatures of Nether Verse are thought to be the darkness in the flesh.

Element property becomes Shadow.

Reduces the enemy's shadow resistance by 75.

Shadow resistance is increased by 50.


Nether's Curse


(Level 99)

Duration: 3600.0 seconds

Every beam of light is drained by the Nether Verse.

The light element is nullified.

There's a 20% chance the incoming damage from shadow attacks will be increased by 40%.

Titan Verse

Titan Verse


(Level 99)

Duration: 3600.0 seconds

Titan Verse is where monsters are bigger and much more durable than you know.

Max HP is increased by 100%.

Up to level 5 there is a 50% chance of never getting a bad effect.

Size is increased by 100%.


Titan's Curse


(Level 99)

Duration: 3600.0 seconds

Intimidated by the enemies, you can't focus on the battle in the Titan Verse.

Probability of causing a critical hit is reduced by 10%.

Dodge is reduced by 50%.

Chrono Verse

Chrono Verse


(Level 99)

Duration: 3600.0 seconds

Time flows differently in Chrono Verse.

Movement speed is increased by 5.

Reduces cooldown of skills by 20%.

All dodges are increased by 250.


Chrono's Curse


(Level 99)

Duration: 3600.0 seconds

Time itself is unwelcoming to strangers who dare lay foot in Chrono Verse.

Skill cooldown is increased by 30%.

Movement speed is decreased by 30%.

Berserk Verse

Berserk Verse


(Level 99)

Duration: 3600.0 seconds

Every soul, dead or alive, has unquenchable blood-thirst in Berserk Verse.

Damage is increased by (percentage missing HP/8)%.

Attack level is increased by 3.

Hit rate of all attacks is increased by (Level / 62).


Berserk's Curse


(Level 99)

Duration: 3600.0 seconds

You can feel your sanity slipping away in the Berserk Verse.

The effectiveness of recovery items is decreased by 30%.

Every 4 seconds HP is reduced by 500.

Chaos Verse

Chaos Verse


(Level 99)

Duration: 3600.0 seconds

Anything can happen in Chaos Verse.

Upon getting hit, removes one random debuff up to level 3 for each attack with a 2% chance.

After 1.0 seconds

Get a random buff.


Chaos' Curse


(Level 99)

Duration: 3600.0 seconds

No law, no reason, just an endless chaos.

Every 16 seconds Get a random debuff.

Random Buffs of Chaos Verse

  • card-icon Zoomies

    Movement speed is increased by 50%.

  • card-icon Vampiric

    HP is increased by 1000% of damage dealt.

  • card-icon Immune

    Up to level 4 there is a 100% chance of never getting a bad effect.

  • card-icon Deadly

    Increases attack power by a factor of 3.

  • card-icon Swift

    Attack time is decreased by 4.

  • card-icon Demonic

    When debuffs are applied to you, attack and defence power are increased by 20% per debuff.

  • card-icon Curser

    Provides 50% chance to ignore enemy's resistances against negative effects.

Random Debuffs

  • card-icon Bleeding

    Every 4 seconds HP is reduced by 1000.

  • card-icon Fatigue

    On attack there is a 100% chance of damage dealt being reduced by 50%.

  • card-icon Amateur

    Hit chance is reduced to 50% if it's more.

    Cast time for a magic attack is increased by (100 / 100) sec.

  • card-icon Weakened

    MP recovery is reduced by 30%.

  • card-icon Elementless

    All element powers are nullified.

  • card-icon Enraged

    Reduced to carrying out normal attacks by sheer anger.

  • card-icon Clumsy

    Never inflicts critical hits.


Artefacts are a brand new equipment type that prepares you for the challenges of the Multiverse.
Each one of the 8 Verses has an exclusive Artefact as a guaranteed reward.
Artefacts may have shell-like options based on their rarities.
You just need to identify them with Rainbow Pearls after obtaining one.

Artefacts' effects and options only work within Multiverse raids, but they're so strong that you should get one as soon as you can.
You can equip three Artefacts at once, but only one of each type.
These artefacts have tiers like Trophies, which makes their effects much more potent.
You can try to increase their tier with a skill-icon Artefact Upgrade Parchment, crafted with Trophy Upgrades and some more materials from Multiverse.

ArtefactTier ITier IITier III
skill-icon Heart of Hades

Damage dealt in Hell verse is increased by 10%.

Movement speed in Hell verse is increased by 1.

Damage dealt in Hell verse is increased by 20%.

Movement speed in Hell verse is increased by 2.

Damage dealt in Hell verse is increased by 30%.

Movement speed in Hell verse is increased by 3.

In the multiverse, there is a 3% chance of ignoring enemy's water resistance.

skill-icon Pearl of Poseidon

Damage dealt in Ocean verse is increased by 10%.

Movement speed in Ocean verse is increased by 1.

Damage dealt in Ocean verse is increased by 20%.

Movement speed in Ocean verse is increased by 2.

Damage dealt in Ocean verse is increased by 30%.

Movement speed in Ocean verse is increased by 3.

In the multiverse, there is a 3% chance of ignoring enemy's fire resistance.

skill-icon Scroll of Nyx

Damage dealt in Nether verse is increased by 10%.

Movement speed in Nether verse is increased by 1.

Damage dealt in Nether verse is increased by 20%.

Movement speed in Nether verse is increased by 2.

Damage dealt in Nether verse is increased by 30%.

Movement speed in Nether verse is increased by 3.

In the multiverse, there is a 3% chance of ignoring enemy's light resistance.

skill-icon Feather of Helios

Damage dealt in Ether verse is increased by 10%.

Movement speed in Ether verse is increased by 1.

Damage dealt in Ether verse is increased by 20%.

Movement speed in Ether verse is increased by 2.

Damage dealt in Ether verse is increased by 30%.

Movement speed in Ether verse is increased by 3.

In the multiverse, there is a 3% chance of ignoring enemy's shadow resistance.

skill-icon Mask of Prometheus

Damage dealt in Titan verse is increased by 10%.

Movement speed in Titan verse is increased by 1.

Damage dealt in Titan verse is increased by 20%.

Movement speed in Titan verse is increased by 2.

Damage dealt in Titan verse is increased by 30%.

Movement speed in Titan verse is increased by 3.

In the multiverse, causes damage with a chance of 30% in 1 surrounding fields.

skill-icon Sands of Chronos

Damage dealt in Chrono verse is increased by 10%.

Movement speed in Chrono verse is increased by 1.

Damage dealt in Chrono verse is increased by 20%.

Movement speed in Chrono verse is increased by 2.

Damage dealt in Chrono verse is increased by 30%.

Movement speed in Chrono verse is increased by 3.

In the multiverse, cooldown of skills are decreased by 20%.

skill-icon Chalice of Ares

Damage dealt in Berserk verse is increased by 10%.

Movement speed in Berserk verse is increased by 1.

Damage dealt in Berserk verse is increased by 20%.

Movement speed in Berserk verse is increased by 2.

Damage dealt in Berserk verse is increased by 30%.

Movement speed in Berserk verse is increased by 3.

In the multiverse, damage is increased by (percentage missing HP/3)%.

skill-icon Book of Chaos

Damage dealt in Chaos verse is increased by 10%.

Movement speed in Chaos verse is increased by 1.

Damage dealt in Chaos verse is increased by 20%.

Movement speed in Chaos verse is increased by 2.

Damage dealt in Chaos verse is increased by 30%.

Movement speed in Chaos verse is increased by 3.

In the Multiverse, hit chance is increased to 90% if it's less.


Multiverse raids are not only for gathering resources and challenging yourself.
You can also use Artefacts to get stronger permanently, with a brand new feature called Fusions.

Some combinations of three Artefacts creates these Fusions that works like a passive buff for your character.
Based on the average upgrade level of the Artefacts that makes up a Fusion, the buff will get progressively stronger.

For example, if you equip Heart of Hades, Sands of Chronos and Chalice of Hades at the same time, you will get card-icon Hasten +0.
If these three Artefacts are upgraded to +1, +2, and +3, you will get a card-icon Hasten +2 instead.

For now, the maximum upgrade level that Artefacts can reach is +3.
This will be increased as the Multiverse content gets updated in the future.
For more detailed explanation on Fusions and their effects, you can check out using the artefact window in-game.

Artefacts Options' Maximum Values

OptionC OptionB OptionA OptionS OptionSS Option
Fire Element Increased1000----
Water Element Increased1000----
Shadow Element Increased1000----
Light Element Increased1000----
Enemy Fire Resistance Reduced-58--
Enemy Water Resistance Reduced-58--
Enemy Light Resistance Reduced-58--
Enemy Shadow Resistance Reduced-58--
Damage Dealt Increased %--713-
Cooldown Reduced %-610--
Healing Increased %2535---
Damage Received %81216--
Debuff Resistance %-8-15-
HP Recovery per Kill200350500--
MP Recovery per Kill200350500--
Fairy Level1020---
Maximum HP %--816-
Resistance Against Forced Movement %33----
Soft Damage %61015--
Damage Against Low-Level Races %914---
Damage Against High-Level Races %--814-
Movement Speed----1
Soft Damage Chance %----3
Melee Damage Reduced %101523--
Magic Damage Reduced %101523--
Ranged Damage Reduced %101523--
Morale Incrased6090---

SS options can only be found in Phenomenal Artefacts, with a 50% chance.


Artefacts can be upgraded via skill-icon Equipment Protection Scroll using materials from Multiverse raids and invasions.

UpgradeSuccess %GoldRequired Items
+140%50k1x skill-icon Scroll of Enchantment
15x skill-icon Cosmic Energy
+230%100k2x skill-icon Scroll of Enchantment
20x skill-icon Cosmic Energy
+325%250k3x skill-icon Scroll of Enchantment
30x skill-icon Cosmic Energy