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Rotating Special Event

Rotating Special Events will rotate every weekend.
Rotating Special Events could also occurs on special occasions.

These events are designed to give especially newer players a better way to catch up to everyone else.

Possible events

Extra Raid Box

Increased chance by a certain amount of getting a second raid box for the following raids:

  • Mother Cuby
  • Ginseng
  • Dark Castra
  • Giant Black Spider
  • Massive Slade


  • Valakus King of Fire
  • Fire God Grenigas
  • Kertos the Demon Dog


  • Desert Robber Gang
  • Namaju
  • Chicken King Raid


  • Fafnir
  • Zenas
  • Erenia

Only one of those will be active at a time during the event duration.

Extra Gold

Received gold will be increased by a certain amount during the event duration.

Fame boost

Gained fame will be increased by a certain amount during the event duration.

Pet Training boost

Training experience will be increased by a certain amount during the event duration.


Those categories will rotate every weekend or on special occasions as mentioned above.