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Champion Leveling Guide 35-60

After finishing the Main Quests of Act 6 the gates to Act 7 (C30+) are open to you. This leaves you with the choice of either: Going for the Act 7 Main Quest right away, farming Act 7 Maps or sticking to Act 6.2 to grind there instead in order to increase your level.

We highly recommend finishing the Act 7 quest line first, as this will make it possible to do most endgame Raids & content.

Act 7 Main Quest

Act 7.1 Main Quest

The Act 7.1 Main Quest can be started in Port Alveus Place at [Merchant Ben].

The quest line is mostly the same as the one in official, therefore it's pretty straight forward. Some parts are shortened similar to how it was done in the previous Acts. You can find a link to the main quest line here.

Act 7.2 Main Quest

The Act 7.2 Main Quest can be started in Olorun Village at [Litatiz].


You have first to complete Commotion in the Celestial Spire (Side Quest) in order to start Act 7.2 main quest.

Upon completion of both the Act 7.1 & 7.2 Main Quest, your Level should be raised from Champion Lv. 35 to Champion Lv.50. From here on out you will need to grind your way through killing Mobs. Which brings us to the next part, the Act 7.1 / 6.2 grind.

Daily/Side Quests

If you are searching for more Quests to do before tackling on longer grinds, then search no more! Act 7 offers the chance to do so more so than Act 6.2 with a total of 2 Daily Quests & 1 Side Quest to do.

The Quests are all located in Olorun Village and can be received from [Chief Tator] / [Litatiz].

You can find all the details to the Side Quests here.

  • The Quests can all be completed in the Celestial Spire Maps, so make sure to join the Rift in Celestial Spire 5!
  • Be aware that Side Quests can only be completed once!

Leveling/Farming and Routes (Act 7.1)

  • The Pocket Dimension's are the best way to farm & grind levels at the same time. Benefits are "Auto Loots" in Solo Pocket Dimensions and also receiving Farming Reports.
  • Celestial Spire has a special Pocket Dimension that allows you to enter all Spire Maps without leaving the actual Pocket Dimension.
  • Beast Lair & Celestial Spire are slightly better when it comes to EXP gain, but Spirit Forest offers more drops that help you gain some Gold.
  • EXP punishments for parties don't exist on Olympus, so don't hesitate to join groups!

Recommended Maps to farm:

Spirit Forest

Guardian Spirit

Moss Gloop

Rock Golem

Moss Fairy

Spirit King's Messenger

Celestial Spire 1 to 5

Corrupted Orc Spearman

Corrupted Orc Assassin

Corrupted Orc Archer

Corrupted Orc Mage

Corrupted Orc Warrior

Belial's Warlock

Belial's Witch Queen

Belial's Armoured Knight

Beast Lair

Crazed Owlbear

Large Redeye Scorpion


Alternative Leveling/Farming and Routes (Act 6.2)

Recommended maps for farming are:

Ancelloan's Will 2

Ancelloan's Will 5

Unknown Spirit Swordsman

Fernon's Spirit Mage

Unknown Spirit Archer

Usually, it is adviced to use SPs opposite to the mobs' element, but there are specialists which can have explosive damage, making them compete in terms of efficiency, with elementally advantageous SPs.

All Light / Water SP's can be used to farm on all 6.2 Maps easily, as for Act 7 it highly depends which one you go for. Shadow SP's are only used in Spirit Forest, while the rest of the SP's can be used on the other parts of Act 7.

Archer SPs

Mage SPs

Swordsman SPs

Farming tips

  • You can optimize your damage by having Damage to Monster Entities, Damage to Low-Level Entities, and Increased Overall Attack shell options, since most of the mobs in Act 6.2 & Act 7 belong to the "Low-level monster" race enter image description here
  • Amon & Otter are both the most viable Partner / Pet for farming as they can both draw the enemies to you. On top each of them can be useful when it comes to draining the enemies resistances or healing you.
  • It is recommended to have the Act 6.1 hats or the Laurena's Hat, Beast's Golden Horn to avoid most Debuffs from above.