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Act 6.1 Questline guide

Guide for the Act 6.1 Questline with Mobs, NPC Spots and Quest items
To start the Act 6.1 Questline you have to be lv. 90
If you start with lvl 90+1 you will end up in the end with lvl 90+11

Act 6.1 Questline

You can get a6.1 questline from Graham at Nosville
(Press Start Dialogue > Sure, I'will help. )

Suspicious Person

Talk to Graham.
Conversation with [Crusader Graham]

Great Holy Stone

Talk to Graham.
Conversation with [Crusader Graham]

Forgotten Archipelago 1

Talk to Graham.
Conversation with [Crusader Graham]

Forgotten Archipelago 2

Talk to Graham.
Conversation with [Crusader Graham]

Forgotten Archipelago 3

Talk to the angel.
Conversation with [Panuel]

Forgotten Archipelago 4

Talk to the demon.
Conversation with [Eligos]

Forgotten Archipelago 5

Talk to Graham.
Conversation with [Crusader Graham]

Angels vs. Demons 1

Talk to Angel Asahel.
Conversation with [Asahel]

Angels vs. Demons 2

Find signs of the scout party from Mystic Heaven near Hell's Gate 1.
Move to the designated location on the map: Hell's Gate 1

Angels vs. Demons 3

Talk to Angel Asahel.
Conversation with [Asahel]

Angels vs. Demons 4

Defeat the demons and return to Asahel.
Hunt 5 Tallion.
Hunt 5 Rement.
Hunt 5 Ismatte.

Quest Reward: CXP     10x Crystal of Balance

Angels vs. Demons 4

Talk to Angel Asahel.
Conversation with [Asahel]

Angels vs. Demons 5

Talk to Angel Ramiel.
Conversation with [Ramiel]

Angels vs. Demons 6

Hunt Bacooms and collect their tails.
Hunt [Elite Bacoom] and collect 10x [Bacoom Tail]
Hunt [Bacoom] and collect 10x [Bacoom Tail]

Quest Reward: CXP     1kk Gold

Angels vs. Demons 7

Talk to Angel Ramiel.
Conversation with [Ramiel]

Angels vs. Demons 8

Talk to Angel Zaqiel.
Conversation with [Zaqiel]

Angels vs. Demons 9

Bring the Dark Energy Stone to Zaqiel.
Talk to [Zaqiel] when you have 1x [Dark Energy Stone]

Quest Reward: CXP     500k Gold     15 Dark Energy Stones

Angels vs. Demons 10

Talk to Angel Zaqiel.
Conversation with [Zaqiel]

Quest Reward: Zenas Raid Seal

Angels vs. Demons 11

Talk to Graham.
Conversation with [Crusader Graham]

Angels vs. Demons 13

Demons of Conviction
Conversation with [Crusader Graham]

Angels vs. Demons 14

Talk to Demon Barak.
Conversation with [Barak]

Angels vs. Demons 15

Report to Barak of the angel massacre.
Hunt 5 Rozhanik.
Hunt 5 Esther.
Hunt 5 Lazekiel.

Quest Reward: CXP     500k Gold

Angels vs. Demons 16

Talk to Demon Barak.
Conversation with [Barak]

Angels vs. Demons 16

Collect Unstable Energy by eliminating Zealots.
Hunt [Zealot] and collect 10x [Unstable Energy]
Hunt [Elite Zealot] and collect 10x [Unstable Energy]

Quest Reward: CXP     500k Gold

Angels vs. Demons 17

Talk to Demon Barak.
Conversation with [Barak]

Angels vs. Demons 18

Talk to Demon Zepar.
Conversation with [Zepar]

Angels vs. Demons 19

Deliver Souls of Innocence to Zepar.
Hunt [Sentinel] and collect 30x [Soul of Innocence].

Quest Reward: CXP     500k Gold

Angels vs. Demons 20

Talk to Demon Zepar.
Conversation with [Zepar]

Angels vs. Demons 21

Talk to Demon Polneus.
Conversation with [Polneus]

Angels vs. Demons 22

Return to Polneus after the angel massacre.
Hunt 10 Rozhanik.
Hunt 10 Esther.
Hunt 10 Lazekiel.

Quest Reward: CXP     500k Gold

Angels vs. Demons 22

Talk to Demon Polneus.
Conversation with [Polneus]

Angels vs. Demons 23

Bring Polneus some Holy Blood.
Talk to [Polneus] when you have 1x [Holy Blood]

Quest Reward: CXP     500k Gold     15 Holy Blood

Angels vs. Demons 24

Talk to Demon Polneus.
Conversation with [Polneus]

Quest Reward: Erenia Raid Seal

Angels vs. Demons 25

Talk to Graham.
Conversation with [Crusader Graham]

Quest Reward: CXP     10x Crystal Balance     Weapon Production Scroll

Angels vs. Demons 27

Talk to Graham.
Conversation with [Crusader Graham]

Quest Reward: Graham's Holy Stone