Twisted Spirit King Kirollas Raid - Guide
How can I get the seals?
As with the Carno Raid there are also two ways to get seals here:
- Daily Quest: In order to obtain this quest you will have to finish the Main Quests of act 7.1, once this is done you will go to the map Spirit Forest Edge. Here we will find an NPC called Datitus who will give us a Daily Quest, it will be easy, you only need to defeat mobs which you will find in the map.
- Farming: The mobs on the Spirit Forest map will with a small probability drop seals on us.
Raid Mechanics
Almost all Act 7 Raids are fairly easy to understand and Kirollas is no exception. The raid is composed of 2 rooms: in the first one we will find a lever which will open the door to the next room, in this room we will find the main boss of this raid Twisted Spirit King Kirollas.
This Raid is very easy to perform, the only thing that stands out to take into account is that Kirollas will summon a Spirit King's Messenger, which after approximately 20 seconds will be devoured by Kirollas restoring up to a maximum of 500k HP. It is advisable to eliminate the Spirit King's Messenger as soon as possible.
Recommendations for the Raid
- It is recommended to go with equipment of hero level at least c25/c45 r7-r8+8+9+10.
- Options of shells like:
- S- Increased Damage to High-Level Races: x%
- S- Increased Overall Attack: x%
- B- Increased Damage to Monster Races: x%
- Use the Twilight Gem III Trophy
, as resistances reduction is one of the best stats for raiding/PvE (all other major Trophies of each class in tier III are viable for this raid as well).
- Useful partner would be:
- Freya's Specialist Partner Card
- Barni's Specialist Partner Card
- Amora's Specialist Partner Card
- Foxy's Specialist Partner Card
- Mad March Hare Specialist Partner Card
- Freya's Specialist Partner Card
- Useful pets would be:
Ideal Raid Group
Since the Kirolla's element is fire, it would be ideal to go with a group with water element SP's (with the exception of debuffers/buffers). The Raid group consists of 8 members, and the recommended SP's are as following:
Scout Specialist Card . Due to its great DPS, the Scout becomes one of the best SP's for this Raid.
Ninja Specialist Card. It is one of the swordsman sps with the highest DPS, matching and sometimes surpassing the damage of the Scouts.
Tide Lord Specialist Card / Blue Magician Specialist Card. Both SPs are an excellent choice for mages, with great DPS and good elemental damage.