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Martial Artist Specialist Guide - SP2

To obtain this SP you have to take the New Information quest from Jerico.

How to start?

Once you have taken the quest you will have to go to:
Lopello Library

At the end of your time in the Lopello Library you will have to go to the Arena of Glory and talk to Tei Ken.

After talking to Tei Ken, you will have to go to the designated point at Misty Forest.
Once you arrive you will have to go to Side Road, which is on the right hand side of the map.
Here you will have to defeat:

  • 3 Sentinel.

After taking out the Sentinels you will have to cross the next portal into Dense Forest where you will have to defeat:

  • 3 Ghastly Spearman.

Next you will have to go to Front of Temple crossing the following portals, here you will have to defeat:

  • 1 Mystic Arts (Hidden).

These are not visible so we recommend that you use the keyboard control "V" to see the name of the mobs and press "Space" to target them.

Once finished you will have to go to the next map to look for the Mystic Arts and defeat it.
By defeating him, you will obtain the Mystic Arts Specialist Card.


If you want to get another Mystic Arts SP you will have to do the whole quest again.