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Specialist Guide - SP5 to SP10


Can be crafted by Great Magician Khan in Desert Eagle City using Draco's Claws.

Can also be obtained from Raid Box: Lord Draco.


Can be crafted by Felix Frost in Desert Eagle City using Glacerus' Manes.

Can also be obtained from Raid Box: Glacerus the Ice Cold.


Must be crafted by Lilith in Port Alveus Square using Laurena's Gemstones.


Must be crafted by Sarakael in Port Alveus Square using Laurena's Gemstones.


Must be crafted by Logotor in Olorun Village using x50 Orc Hero's Jewel, x10 Paimon Soul Silver and x100 Paimon's Shadow Silver.


Must be crafted by Ain in Dragonveil using x50 Ancient Magic Dragon Crystal, x25 Dratanium and x10 Dragon Crystal.