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Shop rotation - Week 63

· 2 min read


  • [REMOVE] Gilded Wings Random Box
  • [NEW] Lightning Wings Random Box


  • [REMOVE] Daniel Ducats Random Box
  • [NEW] Orkani Random Box
  • [NEW] Lotus Random Box
  • [NEW] Shinobi Random Box


  • [REMOVE] Groovy Beach Costume Random Box
  • [NEW] Wonderland Costume Random Box

Fortune Wheel

Added Goddess Wings as new jackpot to Fortune Wheel. You can still pick Baby Panda and roll for it, and you will keep guaranteed jackpot counter even if you roll for different jackpots.

  • [Goddess Wings]:
    • Movement speed is increased by 1.
    • Gives buffs "Ancelloan Wings of Serenity" and "Fernon Wings of Hostility" that oscilates every 10 seconds.
    • [Ancelloan Wings of Serenity]:
      • Damage received is decreased by 10%.
      • Reflects an opponent's bad effect with a certain likelihood.
    • [Fernon Wings of Hostility]:
      • Damage dealt is increased by 15%.
      • Attack level is increased by 1.

Visual Wings

Added visual SP Wings to Shop (More visual SP additions to come in the Future)

  • [NEW] Luminiscent Wings
  • [NEW] Forest Wings (Spring,Summer,Autumn,Winter Editions)
  • [NEW] Rose Wings