Act7 Release Shop Rotation - Week 30
· 4 min read
Act7 Release Random Boxes
[REMOVE] Fairy Wings Random Box
[NEW] Lunar Wings Random Box
[REMOVE] Leo the Coward Random Box
[NEW] Otter Random Box
[REMOVE] Shinobi Random Box
[REMOVE] Lotus Random Box
[REMOVE] Orkani Random Box
[NEW] Bone Warrior Ragnar Random Box
[REMOVE] Doni Darkslide Skateboard Random Box
[NEW] Magic Convertible Random Box
[REMOVE] Football Costume Set Random Box
[NEW] Dracula's Costume Set Random Box
[NEW] Frigg Random Box
[NEW] Rangar Random Box
[NEW] Erdimien Random Box
[NEW] Yertirand Random Box
[NEW] Jennifer Random Box
[Otter's Blessing]:
- Damage received is decreased by 10 -> 5%.
Valhalla Partners
- Frigg:
- [Avenging Angel's Blessing]:
- Provides a 20% -> 100% chance that you receive no damage. In addition, 20% -> 100% of the damage you should've received is added to your HP.
- [Avenging Angel's Blessing]:
- Ragnar:
- Speed: 9 -> 10
- Increased magic defense
- Erdimien:
- Speed: 10 -> 11
- Max HP: 10.3k -> 20.5k
- Jennifer:
- Max HP: 16.6k -> 20.5k
- Yertirand:
- Speed: 9 -> 10
- Max HP: 10.4k -> 20.6k
- [Lich Magic]:
- [REMOVE] All defense powers are increased by Player Level x5.
- [NEW] There is a 100% chance that damage from all attacks is reduced by 100%.
Ragnar PSP
- Spectral Strike:
- Cool time : 8s -> 12s
- [REMOVE] There is a 1% chance of causing [Zombie Infection].
- Shadowfall:
- There is a 60% -> 100% chance of causing [Shadowfall].
- [REMOVE] There is a 1% chance of causing [Zombie Infection].
- [Shadowfall]:
- Duration: 5/6/7/8/9/10/10 -> 3/3/4/4/5/5/6
- [REMOVE] Shadow resistance is decreased by 5/7/7/9/9/11/11.
- [NEW] Non-elemental damage taken is increased by 3/4/5/6/7/7/10%.
- [NEW] With a 100% probability all elemental damage is increased by 3/4/5/6/7/7/10%.
- [Shadowfall (S)]:
- Level: 4 -> 5
- [REMOVE] There's a 50% chance to remove a buff from the enemy.
- [Spectral Strike (S)]:
- Level: 4 -> 5
- [REMOVE] The item cannot be used.
- [NEW] Healing HP is impossible.
- [Viking Pride]:
- [REMOVE] Shadow resistance is increased by 5/7/9/11/13/15/20.
- [REMOVE] Fire resistance is increased by 0/5/6/7/8/9/10.
- [NEW] All elemental resistance is increased by 3/5/6/7/8/9/10.
- [Bone Warrior Ragnar's Companion]:
- [REMOVE] Increases champion experience received by 1/3/5/7/9/11/15%.
- Up to level 1/1/2/2/3/3/4 there is a 6/6/6/8/8/10/10% chance of never getting a bad effect.
Lunar Wings
- On attack, there is a 10% chance of receiving [Lunar Power].
- Movement speed is increased by 1.
[Lunar Power]:
- Duration: 10s
- Damage dealt is increased by 7%.
- Reduces the enemy's elemental resistances by 7.
Magic Convertible
- Speed: 21
- Bonus: +2 in Act7
- Speed Booster Effect: There is a certain chance for the Shadow Prowler buff to take effect when the Speed Booster ends.
- Speed Booster Speed: +3, 5s