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Open Beta Changelog - 31/10/2021

· 21 min read

Open beta opening Changelog.

SP Changelog


  • Whirlwind:
    • [NEW] There is a 100% chance of causing Whirlwind. // combo skill, thrice
  • Provoke:
    • [NEW] There is a 100% chance of causing [Impenetrable].
  • Fury:
    • Cool time: 70s -> 60s
  • Earth Shock:
    • Cool time: 50s -> 30s
  • Rising Dragon:
    • Cool time: 120s -> 60s
  • [Morale Increase]:
    • Duration: 300s -> 900s
    • [REMOVE] Hit rate of all attacks is increased by (PlayerLevelx2).
    • [REMOVE] Dodge is increased by (PlayerLevelx2).
    • [NEW] Morale stat is increased by (Player Level/3).
  • [Iron Skin]:
    • [REMOVE] Melee damage is decreased by 20%.
    • [REMOVE] Ranged damage is decreased by 65%.
    • [NEW] Damage is decreased by 30%.
  • [NEW] [Impenetrable]:
    • 5Lv. Good: General Effect
    • Duration: 2s
      • No HP consumption
  • [NEW] [Intimidate]:
    • 3Lv. Good: General Effect
    • Duration: 10s
    • Morale stat is decreased by 30.


  • Job: 35 -> 30
  • Sword Storm:
    • Target: Around Enemy in 3 -> 4 cell
    • [NEW] There is a 100% chance of causing Sword Storm. // combo skill, thrice
    • There is a 70% -> 40% chance of causing [Wounded Leg].
  • Lightning Speed Attack:
    • Range: 7 -> 10
    • Dash Speed: 60 -> 90
  • Lethal Blow:
    • Cool time: 100s -> 40s
    • There is a 70% -> 40% chance of causing [Cut].
  • Sharp Edge:
    • Cool time: 120s -> 60s
  • Dancing Swords:
    • Cool time: 120s -> 60s


  • Job: 50 -> 40
  • Holy Bolt:
    • Target: Select One -> Around Enemy in 2 cell
    • [NEW] There is a 100% chance of causing Holy Bolt.// combo skill, cool time: 10s
  • Triple Bolt:
    • Attack Range: 7 -> 11
    • Cool time: 34s -> 20s
  • Triple Charging:
    • Cool time: 50s -> 60s
  • Prayer of Defence:
    • Cool time: 180s -> 30s
  • Prayer of Offence:
    • Cool time: 180s -> 30s
  • Concentrated Power:
    • Cool time: 120s -> 90s
    • Target: Around Enemy in 3 -> 4 cell
  • [Prayer of Defence]:
    • 9Lv. -> 10Lv. Good: Magic Effect
    • Duration: 180s -> 900s
  • [Prayer of Offence]:
    • Duration: 180s -> 900s
  • [The 1st Triple Charging]:
    • Duration: 15s -> 20s
    • All attacks are increased by 30% -> 20%.
  • [The 2nd Triple Charging]:
    • Duration: 15s -> 20s
    • All attacks are increased by 50% -> 30%.
  • [Holy Shield]: // disappears when you move
    • Duration: 10s -> 30s
    • [REMOVE] Never receives critical hits.
    • [NEW] All defence powers are increased by (Player Levelx6).


  • Job: 55 -> 50
  • Bash:
    • Target: Select One -> Around Enemy in 1 cell
  • Big Swing:
    • [NEW] There is a 100% chance of causing Big Swing. // combo skill, thrice
  • Sonic Rush:
    • Attack Range: 8 -> 10
  • Life and Death:
    • [REMOVE] The lower your HP, the stronger the effect.
    • [NEW] There is a 100% chance of causing [Life and Death].
  • Split Tornado:
    • Cool time: 120s -> 60s
  • [NEW] [Life and Death]:
    • 3Lv. Good: Magic Effect
    • Duration: 20s
    • Every 2 seconds: HP is reduced by (Player Levelx4).
    • Shadow element is increased by 500.


  • Lightning Surge:
    • Cool time: 20s -> 10s
  • Shield Attack:
    • Cool time: 50s -> 20s
    • Attack Range: 7 -> 10
    • There is a 90% -> 100% chance of causing [Knockdown].
  • Hunting Horn:
    • Attack Range: 7 -> 10
    • Target: Select One -> Around Enemy in 2 cell
  • Iron Roll:
    • Cool time: 90s -> 40s
  • Engorgement:
    • Cool time: 80s -> 60s
  • Declaration of War:
    • Cool time: 90s -> 50s
  • Execution:
    • Cool time: 130s -> 90s
  • [Engorgement]:
    • Light resistance is increased by (Player Level/9) -> 20.
    • Water resistance is increased by (Player Level/9) -> 20.
  • [Victory Cry]:
    • Reduces cooldown of skills by 50% -> 25%.

Battle Monk

  • 10% -> 30% resistance to the effect: [Shivering Frost] -> [Eternal Ice] and lower.
  • Targeted Stab:
    • Attack Range: 13 -> 10
  • Buddha's Words // no longer stays active on cast, it's just one-time skill like any other
  • Dragon Spear:
    • Cool time: 50s -> 20s
    • [REMOVE] There is a 80% chance of causing [Energy Deficiency].
    • [REMOVE] Chance of inflicting critical hits is increased by (Player Level/2)%.
  • Sacrifice:
    • [NEW] Decreases HP by 10%. // self
  • [Spirit of Enlightenment]:
    • Duration: 200s -> 300s
  • [Spirit of Temperance]:
    • [REMOVE] Increases maximum HP by 25%, however not above 5,000 HP.
    • [NEW] Increases maximum HP by 15%.
  • [Spirit of Sacrifice]:
    • [REMOVE] Provides a 70% chance to reduce damage by 25%.
  • [Noble Gesture]: // no longer a distance-bound buff
    • [REMOVE] Reduces 75% of the damage that another player within range receives. Instead you take 75% of that player's damage.
    • [NEW] Every 4 seconds: 4% HP is recovered.

Death Reaper

  • Movement speed +0 -> +2
  • Job: 70 -> 80
  • Death Approaches:
    • Attack Range: 7 -> 10
  • Death Approaches:
    • Attack Range: 7 -> 10
    • Cool time: 20s -> 12s
  • Soul Bash:
    • [REMOVE] Push your opponent back 2 fields.
  • Spirit Catcher:
    • There is a 70% -> 100% chance of causing [Spirit Absorption].
  • Spirit Splinter:
    • [NEW] There is a 100% chance that every attack hits.
  • [Infinite Armour]:
    • [NEW] Causes [Infinite Armour] with a probability of 100% when released.
    • Resists forced movement with a probability of 60% -> 100%.
  • [Spirit Absorption]:
    • Every 2 seconds: MP is reduced by (Player Levelx3 -> x2).
  • [Mark of Death]:
    • Level: 2 -> 5


  • Job: 80 -> 90
  • Light & Shadow -> Blinding Blade:
    • [REMOVE] Shadow element is increased by 20.
    • Light element is increased by 70 -> 90.
  • Judgement of Damnation -> Repention:
    • With the equipment of Shadow -> Light Fairy, attribute spirit will be added.
    • Left Hand -> Right Hand
    • Light element is increased by 20 -> 170.
    • [REMOVE] Shadow element is increased by 150.
    • Ranged -> Melee attack is increased by 300.
  • Ignition:
    • Cool time: 180s -> 30s
  • Reignition:
    • Buff type id: 612 -> 627
    • Cool time: 180s -> 30s
  • Corruption:
    • With the equipment of Shadow -> Light Fairy, attribute spirit will be added.
    • Left Hand -> Right Hand
    • Light element is increased by 20 -> 700.
    • [REMOVE] Shadow element is increased by 650.
    • Ranged -> Melee attack is increased by 500.
  • [Judgement of Damnation] -> [Repention]
  • [Ignition]:
    • Duration: 180s -> 300s
    • [REMOVE] Ranged attack is increased by (Player Levelx2).
    • [REMOVE] Shadow element is increased by (Player Level/9).
    • Light element is increased by (Player Level/10 -> x2).
  • [Reignition]:
    • Duration: 150s -> 300s
    • Light resistance is increased by (Player Level/9) -> 20.
    • Shadow resistance is increased by (Player Level/10) -> 20.
  • [Corruption]:
    • Light resistance is decreased by (Player Level/5) -> 20.

Red Mage

  • Movement speed +0 -> +1
  • Fire Storm:
    • [NEW] There is a 80% chance of causing [Fatal Burn]. // hp reduction
  • Fire Blessing:
    • Cool time: 300s -> 30s
  • Fire Wall:
    • Cool time: 45s -> 20s
  • Meteor Shower:
    • Cool time: 50s -> 35s
  • Meteor Strike:
    • Cool time: 120s -> 60s
  • [Fire Blessing]:
    • Duration: 300s -> 900s

Holy Mage

  • Movement speed +0 -> +1
  • Job: 35 -> 30
  • Healing:
    • Restores (Player Levelx20 -> x30).
  • Holy Light:
    • Cool time: 7s -> 5.5s
    • Target: Around Enemy in 1 -> 2 cell
  • Mana Shield:
    • Cool time: 180s -> 30s
  • Heaven Song:
    • There is a 80% -> 100% chance of causing [Heaven Song].
  • Cure All:
    • Cool time: 35s -> 25s
  • Undead Purge -> Mass Revive:
    • Cool time: 70s -> 120s
    • [REMOVE] Inflicts damage on undead with lower level.
    • [REMOVE] There is a 100% chance of causing [Holy Shield].
    • [NEW] Revives dead allies.
    • [NEW] There is a 50% chance to recover lost hearts in raid.
  • Group Healing:
    • Consumption MP: 250 -> 1000
    • [NEW] 10% HP is recovered.
  • Holy Weapon:
    • Cool time: 300s -> 30s
  • Blessing:
    • Cool time: 300s -> 30s
  • Holy Hammer:
    • Cool time: 120s -> 60s
    • There is a 70% -> 100% chance of causing [Eliminate shadows].
  • [Mana Shield]:
    • [REMOVE] Damage is decreased by 20%.
    • Heal 30% -> 50% of inflicted damage by reducing MP.
    • [REMOVE] Concentration is increased by (Player Levelx1).
  • [Blessing]:
    • Duration: 300s -> 900s
  • [Holy Weapon]:
    • Duration: 300s -> 900s
  • [Heaven Song]:
    • [REMOVE] Changes to non-preferred attack with a probability of 100%.

Blue Mage

  • Movement speed +0 -> +1
  • Job: 50 -> 40
  • Ice Lance:
    • Cool time: 25 -> 17
  • Frozen Shield:
    • [NEW] There is a 100% chance of causing [Ice Block].
  • Glacier:
    • There is a 15% -> 50% chance of causing [Fear] -> [Shivering Frost].
  • Blessing of Water:
    • Cool time: 300s -> 30s
  • Heavy Hail:
    • Cool time: 65s -> 30s
  • Intense Cold:
    • Cool time: 80s -> 40s
  • Blizzard:
    • Cool time: 180s -> 90s
  • [Frozen Shield]:
    • Duration: 3s -> 2s
  • [NEW] [Ice Block]:
    • Positive Magic Effect
    • Duration: 180s
    • Damage is decreased by 20%.
    • Heal 20% of inflicted damage by reducing MP.
  • [Blessing of Water]:
    • Duration: 300s -> 900s
  • [Slight Freeze]:
    • Duration: 4s -> 2s

Dark Gunner

  • Job: 55 -> 50
  • Spell Revolver:
    • Chance of inflicting critical hits is increased by 10% -> 5%.
  • Combination Shot:
    • [NEW] There is a 50% chance of causing Combination Shot. // combo skill, recursive
    • Chance of inflicting critical hits is increased by 15% -> 10%.
  • Ghost Guard:
    • Cool time: 300s -> 30s
  • Dark Force:
    • Cool time: 300s -> 30s
  • Possession:
    • Cool time: 40s -> 30s
    • Attack Range: 7 -> 12
  • Requiem:
    • Cool time: 100s -> 60s
  • Ghost Invasion:
    • Cool time: 160s -> 90s
    • [NEW] No penalty for ranged attacks at close range.
  • [Dark Force]:
    • Duration: 300s -> 900s
    • Shadow resistance is increased by 10 -> 30.
    • Probability to receive critical hits is decreased by 20% -> 10%.
  • [Possession]:
    • Duration: 25s -> 20s
    • Level: 4 -> 5
    • [REMOVE] Hit rate of all attacks is decreased by 20.
    • [NEW] All elemental resistance is decreased by 10.


  • Volcanic Gas:
    • There is a 25% -> 60% chance of causing [Poisonous Volcanic Gas].
  • Power of Volcano:
    • Cool time: 90s -> 30s
  • Lava Swamp:
    • Casting time: 0.2s -> 0s
  • [Power of the Volcano]:
    • Duration: 240s -> 900s
  • [Lava Gush]:
    • [REMOVE] Fire resistance is decreased by 5%.
    • [NEW] Fire resistance is decreased by 10.
  • [Large Lava Gush]:
    • [REMOVE] Fire resistance is decreased by 8%.
    • [NEW] Fire resistance is decreased by 15.
  • [Bubbling Lava Gush]:
    • [REMOVE] Fire resistance is decreased by 12%.
    • [NEW] Fire resistance is decreased by 20.
  • [Lava Lava Gush]:
    • [REMOVE] Fire resistance is decreased by 15%.
    • [NEW] Fire resistance is decreased by 25.
  • [Lava Swamp]:
    • [REMOVE] Fire resistance is decreased by 3%.
    • [NEW] Fire resistance is decreased by 5.
  • [First Shockwave]:
    • [REMOVE] Fire resistance is decreased by 3%.
    • [NEW] Fire resistance is decreased by 5.
  • [Second Shockwave]:
    • [REMOVE] Fire resistance is decreased by 5%.
    • [NEW] Fire resistance is decreased by 10.
  • [Third Shockwave]:
    • [REMOVE] Fire resistance is decreased by 7%.
    • [NEW] Fire resistance is decreased by 15.

Tide Lord

  • 10% -> 30% resistance to the effect: [Shivering Frost] -> [Eternal Ice] and lower.
  • The Large Trident:
    • Cast time: 0.6s -> 0.3s
    • Cool time: 20s -> 12s
  • Ocean's Blessing:
    • Cool time: 300s -> 30s
  • Lightning Strike:
    • Magic attack power is increased by 850 -> 400.
    • Water element is increased by 600 -> 400.
    • There is a 50% -> 30% chance of causing [Electric Shock].
    • There is a 80% -> 100% chance of causing Double Lightning.
  • Double Lightning:
    • Casting time: 0.4s -> 0.2s
    • Cool time: 70s -> 30s
    • Consumption MP: 0 -> 500
    • Magic attack power is increased by 1000 -> 600.
    • Water element is increased by 650 -> 600.
    • There is a 40% -> 30% chance of causing [Big Electric Shock].
    • There is a 20% -> 100% chance of causing [Lightning Storm].
  • Lightning Storm:
    • Attack Target: Around Enemy in 10 -> 5 cell
    • Cool time: 120s -> 30s
    • Magic attack power is increased by 1800 -> 1000.
    • Water element is increased by 1800 -> 1000.
    • There is a 100% -> 30% chance of causing [Big Electric Shock].
    • [REMOVE] There is a 100% chance that 60% of the remaining MP is lost.
  • Tsunami:
    • Cool time: 50s -> 25s
  • Head's Up, Blue Whale!
    • Cool time: 165s -> 90s
    • There is a 80% -> 100% chance of causing [Water Pressure].
  • [Ocean's Blessing]:
    • Duration: 300s -> 900s
  • [Water Bubble]:
    • [REMOVE] Reduces the effectiveness of the enemy's attack strengthening buffs.


  • Job: 70 -> 80
  • Blink:
    • Cool time: 15s -> 10s
  • [Mind Sink]:
    • Duration: 10s -> 5s
    • [REMOVE] Transforms the enemy's damage into a healing effect with a 100% chance success. The restored HP and collected damage disappears after 11 seconds.
    • [NEW] Decreases HP without dying
    • [NEW] No MP consumption
  • [Armour of Darkness]:
    • Damage is decreased by 40% -> 15%.

Arch Mage

  • Job: 70 -> 90
  • Spellbook Scholar:
    • Cool time: 300s -> 30s
  • Sacred Mist:
    • [REMOVE] There is a 100% chance of causing [Run Away!].
  • Meteor Storm -> Urano Metria:
    • Cool time: 300s -> 60s
    • Target: Select One
    • Attack Range: 10
  • Illumination:
    • Cool time: 600s -> 180s
  • [Spellbook Scholar]:
    • Damage is decreased by (Player Level/5)% -> 25%.
    • Heal (Player Level/6)% -> 25% of inflicted damage by reducing MP.
    • The effectiveness of recovery items is increased by (Player Level/5)% -> 20%.
  • [Memorial]:
    • Movement speed is increased by (Player Level/20) -> 4.
    • Every 2 seconds: MP is reduced by (Player Levelx4 -> x2).


  • Hawk Eye:
    • Cast time: 1s -> 0.3s
  • Wind Walker:
    • Cast time: 1s -> 0.3s
  • Covering Fire:
    • Cool time: 60s -> 12s
  • Rapid Recovery:
    • Cool time: 180s -> 30s
    • Cast time: 1s -> 0.3s
  • Thunder Storm:
    • Cool time: 120s -> 90s
    • Target: Around Enemy in 3 -> 4 cell


  • Movement speed +1 -> +2
  • Job: 35 -> 30
  • Critical Hit:
    • [REMOVE] There is a 100% chance of causing [Pact of Darkness].
    • Cool time: 40s -> 60s
  • Tumble:
    • There is a 80% -> 100% chance of causing [Drain attack power].
  • Tomahawk:
    • Right Hand -> Left Hand
    • Ranged -> Melee attack is increased by 600.
  • Deadly Strike:
    • [NEW] If you're invisible, your next damaging skill has a 100% chance to hit.
  • Bomb:
    • There is a 80% -> 100% chance of causing [Drain attack power].
  • [Critical hit]:
    • Duration: 5s -> 120s
    • Chance of inflicting critical hits is increased by 30% -> 10%.
    • Increase damage from critical hits by 50% -> 10%.
    • [REMOVE] Increases PvP attack power by 10%.
  • [Sinister Shadow]: // disappears on hit
    • Duration: 4s -> 10s
    • [NEW] Chance of inflicting critical hits is increased by 30%.
    • [NEW] Reduces cooldown of skills by 30%.
  • [Fatal Bleeding]:
    • Duration: 15s -> 7s


  • Job: 50 -> 40
  • Lucky Wideshot:
    • Attack Range: 6 -> 8
  • Miraculous Healing:
    • Cool time: 180s -> 60s
    • [NEW] Removes all bad effects up to level 4.
  • Hell Drop:
    • Target: Around Enemy in 2 -> 3 cell
    • Cool time: 120s -> 90s
    • Cast time: 1.0s -> 0.4s
    • [NEW] There is a 100% chance that every attack hits.

Wild Keeper

  • Job: 55 -> 50
  • Boomerang Blast:
    • Attack Range: 6 -> 9
  • Snake Rush:
    • Attack Range: 6 -> 9
    • [NEW] There is a 100% chance of causing Snake Rush. // combo skill, twice
    • There is a 40% -> 25% chance of causing [Blackout].
  • Beast Claw:
    • Attack Range: 6 -> 9
  • Eagle Spirit:
    • Cool time: 180s -> 30s
  • Elemental Shining:
    • Cool time: 300s -> 30s
  • Boomerang Throw:
    • Cool time: 32s -> 20s
  • Wolf Spirit:
    • Cool time: 300s -> 30s
  • Elemental Leech:
    • Cool time: 60s -> 40s
  • Ivy:
    • Cool time: 60s -> 35s
  • Bear Spirit:
    • Cool time: 300s -> 30s
  • Forest Power:
    • Cool time: 110s -> 90s
    • Attack Range: 6 -> 9
  • [Eagle Spirit]:
    • Duration: 180s -> 900s
    • [NEW] No penalty for ranged attacks at close range.
  • [Wolf Spirit]:
    • Duration: 300s -> 900s
  • [Bear Spirit]:
    • Duration: 300s -> 900s
    • 11Lv. -> 9Lv. Good: Magic Effect
  • [Elemental Shining]:
    • Duration: 300s -> 900s

Cannon Shooter

  • Staggered Fire:
    • Target: Around Enemy in 0 -> 1 cell
  • Cannon Panning:
    • Cool time: 40s -> 12s
  • Cannon Shot:
    • Cool time: 40s -> 20s
    • There is a 60% -> 30% chance of causing [Blackout] -> [Great Explosive Shockwave].
    • Attack Range: 10 -> 11
  • Hellfire:
    • Target: Around Enemy in 1 -> 2 cells
  • Signal Rocket:
    • Target: Around Enemy in 1 -> 2 cells
  • Rocket Riding:
    • Cool time: 10s -> 18s
    • Target: Around Enemy in 1 -> 2 cells
  • Weapon Master:
    • [REMOVE] There is a 100% chance of causing [Weapon Defence].
  • Ultimate Cannon:
    • Cool time: 100s -> 85s
  • [Explosive Enhancements]:
    • The Fire Cannoneer's area of effect is increased by 2 -> 1.
  • [Turbo Loader]:
    • Duration: 15s -> 120s
    • Fire element is increased by Player Levelx2 -> x3.
    • [REMOVE] Reduces cooldown of skills by 40%.


  • 10% -> 30% resistance to the effect: [Shivering Frost] -> [Eternal Ice] and lower.
  • Rotating Arrow - Highest Level:
    • Cool time: 10s -> 7s
  • Fog Arrow:
    • Cool time: 50s -> 35s
  • Vital Energy:
    • Cool time: 120s -> 60s
  • Hunting Falcon:
    • [REMOVE] Falcon has a 75% chance to cause “Sniping target”.
  • [Vital Energy]:
    • [REMOVE] Chance of inflicting critical hits is increased by (Player Level/10)%.
    • [REMOVE] Increases damage from critical hits by (Player Level/10)%.
    • [REMOVE] Below level 3 there is a (Player Level/10)% chance of never getting a very toxic effect.
    • [REMOVE] Below level 3 there is a (Player Level/10)% chance of never getting a disease effect.
    • [NEW] Below level 3 there is a 10% chance of never getting a bad general effect.
    • [NEW] Every 2 seconds: Restores (Player Levelx2) HP.
    • [NEW] Every 2 seconds: Restores (Player Levelx2) MP.
    • [NEW] Defense is increased by 10%.
  • [Eagle Eyes]:
    • [NEW] Chance of inflicting critical hits is increased by 10%.

Demon Hunter

  • Job: 70 -> 80
  • Berserk Spirit:
    • Cool time: 300s -> 30s
  • Vengeful Spirit Pendulum 3:
    • [REMOVE] There is a 60% chance of pushing the enemy away 4 field(s).
  • [Weak Berserk Spirit]:
    • Duration: 300s -> 30s
  • [Berserk Sprit]:
    • Duration: 150s -> 30s
  • [Strong Berserk Spirit]:
    • Duration: 60s -> 30s

Avenging Angel

  • Job: 70 -> 90
  • Shadow Bond:
    • Right Hand -> Left Hand
    • Ranged -> Melee attack is increased by 250.
  • Cut and Run:
    • Right Hand -> Left Hand
    • Ranged -> Melee attack is increased by 300.
  • [Magic Spell]:
    • Duration: 60s -> 120s
    • Light element is increased by (Player Level/6 -> x2).
    • Movement speed is increased by 2 -> 3.
  • [Halo]:
    • Reduces damage received in PvP by (Player Level/9)% -> 10%.


  • Shuriken Attack:
    • Attack Range: 5 -> 8
  • Bomb Drop:
    • Attack Range: 5 -> 8
  • Summon Kamapkun:
    • Cool time: 40s -> 12s
  • Creation:
    • Cool time: 55s -> 40s
    • [NEW] There is a 10% chance of summoning Mega Jajamaru.
  • Power of the Empty Heart:
    • Attack Range: 2 -> 4
    • Cool time: 27s -> 20s

Equipment Changelog


  • Steel Crossbow:
    • Increases damage with a probability of 10% -> 5% by 30% -> 10%.
  • Crossbow of Courage:
    • Increases damage with a probability of 15% -> 10% by 30% -> 10%.
  • Ballista:
    • Increases damage with a probability of 15% -> 5% by 32% -> 15%.
  • Great Leader's Crossbow:
    • [REMOVE] All elemental resistance is increased by 5.
    • [REMOVE] All attacks are increased by 145.
    • [NEW] Increases damage with a probability of 5% by 25%.
  • Phoenix's Claw:
    • [REMOVE] All attacks are increased by 165.
    • [REMOVE] All element energies are increased by 10.
    • [NEW] Increases damage with a probability of 5% by 30%.
  • Grail's Claw:
    • [REMOVE] All attacks are increased by 190.
    • [REMOVE] All element energies are increased by 12.
    • [NEW] Increases damage with a probability of 10% by 35%.


  • Blaze Hound's Fag:
    • [REMOVE] All element energies are increased by 8.
  • Kertos' Fang:
    • [REMOVE] All element energies are increased by 10.

Spell Guns

  • Ray Spell Gun:
    • Increases damage with a probability of 10% by 40% -> 20%.
  • Great Leader's Magic Weapon:
    • Increases damage with a probability of 20% by 20% -> 40%.
  • Valaket's Breath:
    • Increases damage with a probability of 20% by 30% -> 50%.
  • Valakus' Breath:
    • Increases damage with a probability of 20% by 30% -> 50%.


  • Robber Gangs Shining Gloves:
    • Sell Price: 250k
  • Robber Gangs Shining Shoes:
    • Sell Price: 250k
  • Sea View Gloves:
    • Sell Price: 250k
  • Sea View Boots:
    • Sell Price: 250k
  • Black Stone Gloves:
    • Sell Price: 250k
  • Black Stone Leather Shoes:
    • Sell Price: 250k
  • Robber Gangs Silver Gloves:
    • Sell Price: 1kk
  • Robber Gangs Silver Shoes:
    • Sell Price: 1kk
  • Master Robber Gloves:
    • Sell Price: 1kk
  • Master Robber's Shoes:
    • Sell Price: 1kk
  • Magmaros' Gloves:
    • Melee defense: 100 -> 50
    • Ranged defense: 100 -> 50
    • Magic defense: 100 -> 50
    • Sell Price: 1.25kk
  • Valakus' Gloves:
    • Melee defense: 150 -> 100
    • Ranged defense: 150 -> 100
    • Magic defense: 150 -> 100
    • Sell Price: 2.5kk
  • Flame Giant Boots:
    • Melee defense: 100 -> 50
    • Ranged defense: 100 -> 50
    • Magic defense: 100 -> 50
    • Dodge: 100 -> 50
    • Sell Price: 2.5kk
  • Kertos' Boots:
    • Melee defense: 150 -> 100
    • Ranged defense: 150 -> 100
    • Magic defense: 150 -> 100
    • Dodge: 150 -> 100
    • Sell Price: 5kk


  • Antique Mask:
    • Sell Price: 100k
  • Flame Giant Helmet:
    • Sell Price: 100k


  • Common Metal/Wood/Rag/Leather: // a.k.a. High-Quality
    • Sell Price: 10k
  • Shining Green Soul:
    • Sell Price: 50k
  • Shining Red Soul:
    • Sell Price: 100k
  • Shining Blue Soul:
    • Sell Price: 250k
  • Hot Metal/Wood/Rag/Leather:
    • Sell Price: 25k
  • Earth Element:
    • Sell Price: 10k
  • Spring Water:
    • Sell Price: 50k
  • Earth Crystal:
    • Sell Price: 250k
  • Dragon Skin:
    • Sell Price: 100k
  • Dragon Blood:
    • Sell Price: 200k
  • Dragon Heart:
    • Sell Price: 500k