
- Commend System Rework (more information below)
- Halloween Event starts (more information below)
- Removed "Gilded Wings" from the Visuals that Swapper Coin unlocks.
We saw that critical chance calculation changes impact the game way too much and also invalidated the shell option that was very valuable previously. To reduce the impact of huge changes done in the past weeks, we wanted to tweak critical builds, before delivering an SP balance patch. We also buffed Zephyr wings a bit since Gilded Wings also had 2 MS and it made Zephyr even less appealing than before.
- "Chance of Receiving a Critical Hit Reduced" shell option will be changed to "Reduces Opponent's Critical Chance" and it will reduce enemy critical chance like substraction.
- [Piercing Gaze]:
Chance of inflicting critical hits is increased by 1/1/1/2/2/3/3/4/4/5% -> 1/1/1/1/1/2/2/2/2/3%
The damage from critical hits is increased by 5/6/7/8/9/10/13/16/20/25% -> 3/4/5/6/7/8/10/13/17/20%
- [Zephyr Wings]:
Movement speed is increased by 2 -> 3.
Side effects: Every 30 -> 10 seconds
- [Western Wind]:
- Fixed Discord RPC option & unlimited FPS were not working since last option changes
- Fixed Little Princess Venus' Umbrella Shield not buffing pet and character.
- Fixed farming reports on pocket dimension expiry
Commend Rework
So far, the commend system was lackluster, half-functional, and utterly useless system that we haven't even paid attention to.
Which is why, it is now reworked to make it relevant and useful to players.
We divided the system's current implementation to make room for two new purposes.
Commend button is replaced with an "Encourage" button. This button:
- gives "Encouraged" buff to the target, +20% Exp and +20% Fame gain for 15 minutes
- requires 1 hour of consecutive online time to be used, just like Commend button
- requires a minimum level of 99 to be used
- cannot be used if target already has the buff
And you don't need to worry about "Encouraged" buff disappearing on death, on logout, or on SP transforms. And it shines!
The player's "Commend" count and the "Popularity Ranks" are now replaced to make use of Achievements Points (AP).
We aimed to bring attention to AP, creating the competitive grounds among players on par to Reputation points.
Character names will also change color based on your AP instead of Compliments.
The more AP you have, the bluer your name will appear, and it gets harder and harder to advance to the next shade of blue.
We hope you'll enjoy the visual flex of colored names and the competition for AP leaderboard.
Halloween Event
Halloween event is now live!
Put on your costumes and get yourselves a basket cause we're going Trick-or-Treating.
How to Get Started
For either raid you will need Yellow/Black Pumpkin Sweets, which can be gathered in bulk by farming in all acts above Act3.
Then you can get them to the Event Shop in NosVille to trade for raid seals, and also Halloween Costume Scroll if you plan to battle against Jack.
Raid entrance map is right around the corner where Topp twins reside.
Nine Tailed Foxy
The sly Foxy is on the hunt for weak willed adventurers. Gather "Blue Flask" and "Yellow Flask" by defeating creatures all around the continent to help your battle against the demoness. Use the Red Flasks dropped by her minion foxes to weaken her.
Defeating her can get you Fiona PSP -a better version of the Foxy PSP- and Test Subject PSP. You can also get Shining Souls to sell and Partner Skill Tickets to improve these newly obtained specialists.
Jack O'Lantern
Not to be confused with Pumpkin King Jack, this Jack is a vile creature of devilry. Dress up in your Halloween costume in your battle against Jack to defeat it faster but beware of its all the tricks it has in its non existing sleeves.
Jack's Mystery Box might contain Glowing Pumpkin hat and Super Pumpkin Bushi, who was previously another Henchman of the lantern, but now wants to help you in the fight against Jack, by summoning little minions.
You can also get spooky Tarots and trade ten of them with a permanent Tarot to celebrate the spirit of Halloween all year round.
Bag of Sweets
You can get Bag of Sweets from Jack's Mystery Box or by completing Foxy raid which gives a Bag of Sweets directly.
You might open them to see what they have inside, or if you don't want to leave it up to luck, you can gather them for trading with rewards directly.
The bags can be traded for Pumpkin King/Pumpkin Witch Costume, either for separate pieces, or as a complete set chest for 666 bags!
Event Duration
The event will take place from 23rd of October until 6th of November.